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Egypt looked at her flashing phone as she made her way out the school. Nervously bitting on her lip she decided not to answer right this moment and stuck the phone into her back pocket. I'll call him back when I get home.

"You duckin' a nigga now?" A voice questioned causing her to jump and and clutch her chest.

"Jesus Makel. What did I tell you about sneaking up on me like that!" She took notice to him leaning up against his car as if he had been waiting for a while. Okay maybe he didn't sneak. "What you doing here?"

"Well now that I know your ass is alive we going out." He said tossing her his keys. "You drive."

Egypt watched him climb into the passenger seat and stared at him with a blank expression. He can't be serious right now? "Mane get cho scary ass in the damn car E."

Sighing deeply she walked around the Honda accord and immediately noticed the changes. "You finally got the door fixed." She smiled.

"And fixed the inside up." Makel added leaning back in the seat as she started the car up.

This made Egypt wonder even more why he was so trusting of her driving. She had ruined his baby more than enough when he taught her how to drive a few years ago. First the front left head light. Then the right side mirror. And that big ding that use to be in the drivers door? Yeah she did that too.

Egypt will never forget the day she ran to Makel in tears after one driving lesson with her father and that was all it took for him to come to her rescue and take over. That ended up being just as bad if not worst! They had never argued so much in her life. She was driving too fast. Her turns were too wide. She couldn't park to save her life. He made fun of every single thing she did.

She couldn't help but nervously laugh at the time he pissed her off so badly she stopped short right in the middle of traffic hit him in the face with the keys and walked the rest of the way home. Until he caught up and snatched my ass right back into the car. She thought immediately becoming annoyed of the scene they had made on Fulton street.

Makel chuckled lightly along with her already knowing what she was replaying in her mind. He wouldn't forget that day just as much as she wouldn't.

"Its not funny." She complained still holding onto the steering wheel but not moving.

"Just drive Egypt." He encouraged. "Do you think I'd let you drive just days after getting that door fixed if I didn't believe you knew how to by now?"

Egypt took a reluctant deep breath and put the car into drive. Turning off the hazard lights and checking each mirror she slowly pulled off down the street.

"You just got off work?" She asked awkwardly taking note to his construction overalls hanging off him.

"Don't try and Change the subject." He laughed. "Where u been mane?"

She knew she wasn't off the hook that easily, she was simply hoping to buy her self some more time to come up with a good lie. She was never a good liar. Ever.

"Oh you know. I been busy a lot lately."

"Too busy to walk down some stairs?" He questioned with a raised eye brow.

"No!" She defended. "Its not even like that. I just know you been busy with work so I just been focusing on school. You know its my senior year. And I uh found a job my self." She added slyly keeping her eyes locked on the road. Whatever you do don't look him in the eye E. Just pay attention to the road.

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