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"She was just awake when she got here." Egypt said in a confused manner. "How can she be in a coma?" She asked trying to stop her voice from trembling but it was no use. The tears were forming in her eyes waiting to spill as she feared for her sisters health.

"Candice is in a medical induced coma." The doctor corrected. Egypt continued to appeared to be confused which caused him to go into further explanation. "Its a temporary state that we put her in for --"

"What the hell do you mean you put her there?" She interrupted in an accusing way. "Why the hell would you do something like that?! What the hell type of doctor are you?"

"Ms. Wyatt. As I've told you its only temporary. The injuries your sister sustained caused her brain to swell and bleed an awful lot. She hasn't responded to the necessary medication. The coma will allow her brain to get the rest that it needs for the swelling to go down." He explained calmly. It didn't offend him one bit that Egypt hadn't lookes convince. She was a scared teenager who lacked the medical knowledge needed at the moment.

"And how long will she have to stay like this?"

"That cant be determined at the moment but in my experience I've had patients come out within a few days or so. Candice should be fine by then." He stated confidently.

"Should be?" Egypt repeated. "I thought you just said this shit was necessary? No take her off the machine. You don't know what the hell you're talking about." She snapped making the doctor to uncomfortablely back up.

"Egypt. I'm sorry but you aren't at the age to make those kind of decisions my dear. And this is very necessary for your sisters health." He sighed. "Without it. Her brain could swell to the point that it'll begin to bleed again. She could stroke out or there could be permanent brain damage. It could affect her speech, vision or worst she could end up in a vegetable state. You do--"

"Aight ma nigga. We get it you ain't even have to say all of that." Makel interrupted. He saw the fear in Egypt's face when she quieted down and had to stop the doctor there before he gave any more information.

"I'm sorry. But I need you to understand the seriousness of this situation." He apologized. "I will take good care of Candice. You have my word that I will do everything I can for her." He assured with a faint smile.

"Fine." Egypt agreed. "When can I see her?" She asked wiping the tears from her cheeks.

"She's up in recovery. You're more than welcome to sit with her until she wakes up." He smiled. Before Egypt could turn to walk away he stopped her. "I was wondering if you would like to speak to one of our social workers for the time being. You know on some future plans for your sister."

"Excuse me?" Egypt asked with confusion.

"Its probably not my place to say but perhaps we could help you look into a rehab for Candice. With the amount of drugs EMS pumped from her stomach along with her her brain injuries, she's lucky to be alive." He hesitantly admitted. He wasn't trying to purposely scare her but he wanted her to understand Candice's chances of living if she continued her current life style. "I don't mean to be so blunt but before we sedated her and based on how she reacted to your presence I can tell your sister needs help. Help that we could find her."

Sighing deeply Egypt nodded in agreement. "I appreciate your concern but I'm not sure how she'd react to that. My sister is pretty set on living on how she's living and like you said I'm not of age to make those kind of decisions for her."

"I understand. Maybe after you've discussed things with our social worker and psychiatrist you all could come up with a game plan before making any final decisions." The doctor pushed one final time.

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