Chapter 2

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Above is sort of what I imagine for Jay's tattoo! It would be a half sleeve however but I wanted to give an idea!

Happy reading! -DJ

(Also because there's been tons of comments about this. Jay is a nickname for Jonathan. Cam is the nickname for Cameron) 


After a painstakingly boring day the boys finally made their way back home, they caught me on the couch binge watching Netflix and stuffing my face with ice cream. This is the reason I try to work out so much, so I can enjoy ice cream and not worry about it. If anyone says otherwise, they're a liar.

"Whatcha watching?" Jonathan asked as he stole the spoon FROM my hand and ate the ice cream I was about to put in my mouth. The little asshole, I squinted my eyes at him and hoped he accidentally choked himself with it. I stared at my spoon wondering if he's got any cooties, before I shrugged and began eating my ice cream again. Cameron stopped by the couch kissing me on the top of my head before heading to the shower. 

"I don't have cooties; you can eat after me" Jonathan said laughing as he had seen me contemplating getting another spoon. 

"I don't know where your mouth is been, I have to be cautious." 

"Why do you think my mouths been anywhere?" He asked coming out of the kitchen with his hand in a bag of chips I just bought. 

"Um because you're a whore." 

He clenched his jaw, "when's the last time you saw me sleep anywhere other than at home?" 

I looked away from the intense look in his eyes for some reason the look unsettled me, "uh I'm not sure, I guess since we've lived here." I answered stirring my ice cream to not have to look at him. Come to think of it I hadn't seen either of them be with anyone in a while... I wonder why. 

"Considering I'm in your bed most every night, you think you'd know." He said cooling the intense look and smirking at me. 

"Whatever," I said getting up to go put my bowl in the sink. 

Cameron joined us in the kitchen at this point, he smelled of his soap but still like cut wood, it was a scent that followed him everywhere. He was wearing a pair of black basketball shorts and no shirt, some water still clung to his skin. 

The boys made some dinner, while I went back to my show. They came to sit next to me on the couch. Jonathan pushing me up while Cameron picked my feet up and placed them on his lap and then his plate on top of my feet. I could've argued with them but considering they always invade my space, resistance was futile at this point. They got up at some point to put the dishes up and Jonathan went to go shower, and then we all ended back up on the couch talking shit to each other, and about how our days went. Nights like these were my favorite, Cameron started rubbing my legs absentmindedly while Jonathan played with my hair. I snuggled deeper into the couch and to the pair, my eyes getting heavier as I relaxed under their hands. 

I must've fallen asleep at some point because the next thing I knew I was waking up to someone snoring in my ear. I was tangled in the sheets and sweating from too many people touching me. I groaned trying to get up and look at the clock. It was three in the morning, I sat up detangling myself from the mess of limbs. I crawled out of bed trying to be careful not to hurt anyone. I used the bathroom and then brushed my teeth since I didn't do that before getting to bed. I walked back to the room, smiling as I saw them spread out in it the middle spot left open for me. It wasn't unusual for them to carry me into bed and then wind up sleeping with me. They would always say that my bed was comfier and that's why they didn't just walk the short distance back to their own respective beds. 

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