Chapter 7

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The adorable sleeping Reggie up above ❤️ who else loves labs??


You could hear a pin drop it was that quiet. Ryan was grinding his teeth so tightly, the cold fury leaking off of him making my sun kissed skin prickle with coldness.

"What." Ryan bit out.

A shiver of unease trailed up my back.

"I said-" Paige started haughtily. I cleared my throat shooting her a, shut the fuck up look, she snapped her mouth closed.

"What." Ryan said again, his voice was gruff like it took effort to come up from his chest. "Did you tell her."

"It just slipped out," I breathed. I twisted my hands into my shirt, my nerves causing me to look anywhere but his face.

He scoffed, a harsh derisive noise. "Nice. Mila. Thanks," he bit out.

"You don't get to bully her about this," Paige snapped from behind me.

"Bully?" He arched an eyebrow.

"Yes. Bully. That's all you do to her, you AND her mom."

"Excuse me for wanting my fiancé," he stated pointedly at me, "to not shake her ass online for anyone to see. You'd think you'd be a little more respectful," he looked down on me. I crossed my arms over my chest, shifting my weight back and forth.

"It wasn't even like that," I replied meekly. This wasn't how I'd envisioned this night would go. I felt a brief flare of annoyance towards Paige if she hadn't said anything I'd be on my date right now.

"Oh really? So you didn't get stupid drunk and post a video of your ass?"

"Fuck dude it's not like she was naked, it was dancing! Something your dick up the ass personality wouldn't understand,"

"Paige, you should get your own relationship, you're butting into mine and causing problems."

"You need new insults." She huffed.

"Mila," he turned to look at me, breaking the staring contest he and Paige were having. "I'm really trying here, you asked me to try, and I am. But I need you to try too," he stepped towards me grabbing my hands from where they were around my body.

"I know I shouldn't have called your mom," a scoff sounded from next to us. "Can I have some privacy here?" He ground out.

"Go Paige it's fine, I'm fine,"

She shot me a disapproving look, and then walked into her bedroom, grumbling under her breath the whole way.

"I don't understand why she's your best friend."

"She just wants what's best for me," I murmured.

"And that's me!" Ryan grabbed my chin. "I'm what's best for you."

His eyes searched mine, I guess they found what they were looking for as he stooped down and kissed me on the cheek.

"I just felt disrespected by that video. I didn't like seeing you like that."

What, having fun? I thought dryly. He continued before I could speak, "and then I ended up drinking, a little too much, and I did something really stupid, and I called your mom." He begrudgingly admitted. He had the decency to look regretful.

"Yea thanks for that," I pulled my hands from his. Stepping around him now, I sat on the couch curling my feet under me.

"I'm really sorry,"

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