rosita espinosa ➳ me

978 27 0

rosita had pulled out her gun quickly and shot, trying to kill the man that everybody in alexandria hated with an isane passion -- but she had missed and that was the worst thing that could have happened

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rosita had pulled out her gun quickly and shot, trying to kill the man that everybody in alexandria hated with an isane passion -- but she had missed and that was the worst thing that could have happened.

immediately pushed to the ground and threatened with death, they knew she hadn't made the bullet and they would kill her if she didn't tell them who did. rosita wouldn't incriminate eugene and he wouldn't admit it was him.

"it was me! it was me!"

you yelled stepping forwards and putting your hands up. negan looked over at you believing the story and nodded, his men immediately grabbed you and held you steady. rosita was looking at you panicked as you were pulled away but you would have put yourself in any amount of shit as long as it meant that she survived.

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