Chapter 10

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"That is the stupidest idea you have ever thought of Clarke. I'm not playing strip quarters just because you think it would be interesting." Murphy rolled his eyes as he said the last word. He was acting like he was too good to play a game that many teenagers played on the Arc.

"You know Murphy, I just think you're jealous because I have a better body then you." Clarke moved her hands up and down the side of her body in a joking way to emphasize her words. The entire time she was talking Clarke could feel a pair of eyes burning into her face. There was no need for her to even look up because she already knew who the eyes belonged to. Frankly he had no right or reason to stare at her, no one else was.

"Yeah that's definitely not the reason, it's a childish idea."

Something about what Murphy said made Clarke snap, making her upset. "Well I'm sorry think it's a stupid, childish idea. I'm just trying to have a little fun after being basically alone for six damn years." Clarke was sure why she felt so hurt. Maybe it was just the alcohol causing her emotions to flare up, but either way her night was ruined. She knew she was probably being dramatic, but they didn't know what it felt like to think everyone else in the world was dead. Murphy didn't know what just having a little bit 'childish' fun would do for her. Finding Madi was the highlight of those six years, but she was much younger than Clarke was, making it hard for her to relate to some things.

Clarke downed the rest of her drink before standing up. "You know what Murphy, you're right it is a stupid idea. Also thanks for making me realize that I still feel just as alone as I did the past six years, you're a doll." She didn't say anything as she turned around, leaving everyone stunned as she head for outside. She had a spot were she could go and she knew no one would bother her.

After what felt like minutes after Clarke had left the room, someone finally spoke up. "What the hell just happened? Did I do something? Murphy asked no one in particular.

No one answered, not really knowing what to say. As they all just sat there dumbfounded, Bellamy remembered back to the night he saw Clarke having a nightmare.

"I don't think we can even begin to understand how Clarke feels. For years she thought everyone she knew and cared about was dead. She's haunted more than we realize."

"So what do we do then?" Raven asked Bellamy.

"We just give her time. We've only been back for two weeks now, and I think soon she will start to feel not as alone."

So waiting is exactly what they did. They gave Clarke time to cool off, thinking she was be back in no more than a hour but that didn't happen. Three hours had passed and Clarke still wasn't back yet and they were starting to worry.

"Should we go look for her?"

"Well it's not like anybody attacked her, no one is even out there."

"But what if she fell and she's hurt?"

"Or maybe she just fell asleep somewhere."

Everyone was throwing out different questions, none of them actually getting answered.

Raven stood up from her spot. "I don't know what you guys are doing, but she's my best friend so I'm looking for. If she's just asleep somewhere she's gonna get a rude awaking from me."

She didn't wait for anyone else as she started making her way outside. Bellamy got up and quickly caught up to his friend. "You're just gonna get lost if you go by yourself." He said to her as he walked beside her.

Raven stopped just as she got to the door and looked over at Bellamy. "Well maybe I knew you would get up and follow me."

Bellamy didn't say anything and instead just grabbed one of the torches from the door. He didn't really know where to go so he just headed straight towards the woods. He didn't realize Raven had caught up to him until she started talking.

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