Chapter 5:Daddy's New Girl

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So, Channing Tatum...I mean..Carter, goes to my school now and I have to deal with this asshole for the entire year now. Whatever.

Anyway, Iyanna and I were eating lunch in our casual area (away from all the sluts and thots) when "Carter" came along with his lunch.

"I don't suppose I can sit down."

(*I swear to god if Iyanna says yes I'm gonna knock the shit out of her!)

" Totally". She sounded flirty and desperate. Great! She's turned into a whore zombie now!

"Is that alright with you Halo?"

Iyanna looked confused.

(NO ASSHOLE! GO HANGOUT WITH THE SLUTS OVER THERE!) " Sure, the more the merrier!" (*Dammit)

"Wait, how does he know your name?"

(* I swear if he says anything)

"Oh, you didn't tell her Halo?"


"Tell me what?"

I gestured to him to shut up but, BEING THE ASSHOLE HE IS, HE KEPT YAPPING OFF HIS MOUTH!

"Me and Halo met at the library yesterday. I can't believe she didn't tell you?" I wanted to wipe that smirk right off his face.

Iyanna lit up again( That's never a good sign.) " HE'S THE GUY!?!?The guy you were talking about earlier!?!?! WOW! NICE WORK HALO!"

I gestured her to shut the hell up but, BEING THE ASSHOLE SHE IS, she never listens.

"Oh, so you talk about me now?"

This was going no where well.

"Relax asshole. I said nothing good about you."

Iyanna(the asshole) began scheming. " I totally forgot! I have a tutoring session with someone. I'll leave you two alone."

(*I'm gonna fucking kill her)

"So, tell me. What did you say about me?" That smirk got wider and wider.

"Just shut up asshole. I'm sure all the other sluts have something to say about you too."

"Yeah well I'm only interested in what YOU said about me."

(*It's so hard not to punch him in his gorgeous face.)

I got up and grabbed his shirt and pulled him right in my face so our foreheads were touching. "Look asshole, I don't have anything to say to you. I never WILL have anything to say to you. And if you so much as think I like you then you might as well go bang the sluts that are too obsessed with their own ass than to notice yours."

I let go of his shirt and walked off. Apart of me knew that wasn't the last time I would see him. At least I hope it wasn't.

I walked home from school alone because I was still pissed off with Iyanna. My dad didn't seem to be home. He wasn't in the living room or in the kitchen. I remembered dad had a secret cabinet of chocolate in his room. (*He doesn't know I know about it but one peice wouldn't hurt).

I got to his room. The door was tough to open, like something was blocking
the door. I pushed hard. I busted the door open . My hands found their way over my mouth. WHAT THE HELL!!?!?


My dad looked at me and then at her. Me then her. Me then her. This repeated for like 2 minutes.

"Halo, this isn't what it lo-"

I didn't let him finish his sentence. I ran to the bathroom and threw up so much, I may have lost last Friday's breakfast.

My god. I couldn't handle this. My dad was dating and having sex with some other girl. AND I WALKED IN ON THEM DOING IT! (*I need a doctor for this much puke).

My dad then came in(Thankfully wearing a robe) and looked even more traumatized than I did( Probably because his daughter walked in on him having sex. MAJOR CRINGE ALERT!)

"Halo, I'm so so-"

I cut him off. "No, no. It's fine. It's totally fine. I just need to be somewhere else right now." I ran out of the house and didn't look back.


I stopped to take a breather. It was the middle of October and I was freezing. (Don't visit Chicago in October, you'll come home with frost bite.)

Great. I was freezing. My dad didn't tell me about his affair. And the worst of it all: I HAVE AN ADORABLE ASSHOLE HAUNTING ME!!!

I just laid there. Freezing. With no one around. No phone to contact anyone. Just me. And my tears.

"Need a jacket?"

"Yeah tha-wait. Who the hell?"

I turned around. Great that's just what I needed. Carter/Channing Tatum the asshole!

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