Bendy X Child! Reader: Bring your parents to school day

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It's Thursday. Almost ten minutes before school ends for the day. you were sitting on your desk drawing random doodles in your (subject) notebook. while your teacher was giving a lecture about upcoming events for the rest of the week.

and you didn't know what happened. but somehow you felt a ping in your stomach when your teacher says " and don't forget tomorrow is bring your PARENTS to school day......"

'shit. ' you thought. 'no it can't be.... no NO...'

your head darts up facing the front of the room. your eyes widened.       many things going through your mind. 'don't worry's optional.'

"and please keep in mind that this is mandatory! all students must bring one of their legal guardian. if they want to pass this class!"


the bell rings and as soon as the bell rings. you dart from your seat and out of the school faster than the speed of light. running home... or to the studio you try to make sure nobody finds out about the assignment.
Someone has to be my parent for the day.

You arrive at the studio
The school bus didn't have a bus stop closer to here you had to walk two miles.
You open the doors to the studio and see that it's busier than ever.
Employees rushing in and out of offices and up and down the stairs.
Animators going through paper because of little mistakes they've made.
There was rambling around people arguing about what needed to go where and stuff like that.
It was a mess.

You looked around in the chaotic place for Henry or Joey but they were nowhere around.
When you got to the music department you saw Sammy Lawrence working on some music sheets.

You shrug and went up to him.
....time skip....
"Hey, Sammy."
He didn't respond.
"Whatcha doing?"
"No" Sammy sternly says before you could say anything.
"Oh come on Sammy! Just a small favor!"
"Whatever it is I'm not getting involved"
"Please? Just this one time!"
"Joey and Henry are busy! And i can't get anyone else!"
"If you leave me alone, i will do whatever you want."
"Yay!" You smile


"Yeah sorry kiddo I'm not doing this"
"Why?! You said-"
"I'm not pretending to be your father. Do you know what he'll do?!"
"No. Now scram before i tell Bendy!"
"You a snitch if you do. Snitches get stitches bitch!" You flipped Sammy off as you backed away out of the room.
(Not before bumpimg against a wall)

After a while you bump into Boris and Alice. But they can't come.

You later saw Bendy. And he was mad as Hell.
"Heeyyyy dad!" You were scared.

"What is the meaning of this?!" He was so furious that ink covered his face. Holding a piece of paper with the bring parent to school day.

"Oh uh. It's a piece of paper."
He raises his voice
"I know it's a piece of paper (y/n)"
"It's a newsletter from school."
"I've heard from a little bird that you tried to get someone else to go with you instead."
'Sammy you little Snitch.' You thought while an image of A laughing Sammy popped in your head.

Bendy then went back to normal but
Ink tears streamed from his face.

Your eyes widened.
"I'm sorry. It's just you are a toon and a devil thing. I don't know how anyone will react to somebody like you"

"I know I'm a freak. But you can't just do that!"

"I'm sorry dad." You say
"It's alright (y/n)."
"So when is the parent day?"

"Tomorrow. It's like a career day."
"I'll be there wheather you like it or not."

"(Y/n). Is your parent here?"
You nodded slightly.
As everyone else had their parents near their desks with them.
But you had jar on your desk.

"Where are they then?" the teacher bitterly asks
You point to the jar on your desk.
"Honey you can't just..."
The jar starts to shake.
Every pair of eyes glance in you direction
It shakes and jumps around until the jar of black sludge and falls off the table.
The sound got those who weren't looking. Peer behind themselves to see what caused the loud crash.
The ink moves around and takes form.
Nobody said a thing only the faces of horror or fright or wtf said all the words needed.

"Hello everybody!" Bendy cheers
A woman faints and the room is dead silent.
"Miss/Mr. Teacher. This is my Father.
"At your service!"

"I am Bendy, Bendy the Dancing Demon!"
"Dad. Dial it down."
He didn't listen at all.
And actually he made three people faint from his overwhelming nature.
And then you died in your seat.

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