Wally Franks X Female! Reader

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Requested by wish42
You helped Wally clean up after another day in the studio. It was a very stressful night for wally.
First, he lost his apartment. It was evicted after he couldn't pay rent for the third month in the last six months.
Next, His girlfriend dumped him after losing his house and after selling his car to pay his bills
Then lastly, he lost his keys again. If he is found without them, he is out of here!
He scurried about the studio in a panic looking desperately making more messes in the process than actually what he was supposed to do.
"(Y/n)! Look in the music studio's trash while i look down here!"
Wally demanded as he dug through a metal waste basket.
"Are you sure they'll be up there?" You ask
"I don't know! But i need those keys if i still want this job."
"Maybe you left them in your car again." You say crossing your arms completely forgetting about Wally had to walk to work from a three mile bus stop and four miles from the homeless shelter.
Wally only ignored your comment.
And only just threw the discarded papers and trash back into the bin and dumped the bin's contents into the giant trash can he carried around with him.

"Look if you ain't gonna help out then just go home, (y/n)."
You roll your eyes.
"You can't clean this whole studio all by yourself."
"I'll be fine."
"No you will not."
"I said GO (y/n)!" Wally snapped.
Making you jump.
That might of been the first time you've ever seen and heard Wally Yell and Become this irritated.

It might have been his first time in a while too. As he gnashed his teeth a red substance started to drip from his nose. Making him react as if it had never happened before.
"Shit." He cursed
He tried to wipe the blood with his tattered sleeves but to no avail the blood still came from his nostril.
Lifting his head to face the ceiling he tried to keep himself from bleeding out more.
"Don't raise your head up like that. Keep it down. That way it will keep you from puking your guts out." You aided Wally sitting next to him patting his back.

You two sat in the silence for what seemed to be an eternity until Wally spoke out to break the silence in a quiet voice.
"I'm sorry i snapped at you, (y/n)."
He apologized shamefully.
"No, it's my fault i should have been helping and should have been aware of your situation."
"I guess. But I'm still very sorry." He finished.
Another silent eternity followed after his statement.
"Looks like the bleeding stopped." Wally said.
"Finally..." You say glacing to a waste basket in the hallway.
There was a glimmer that caught your eye..and when you walked over and dug into the bin. You heard the clank on metal on metal.

You grabbed the keys and shook them in front of the man's face with a smirk plastered on your face as well.
He smiled and grabbed them from you.
"Thanks. Now lets get some work done."

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