Chapter 1

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   (Y/n) was barely able to open her eyes, so she didn't. She lay on the floor, a softer floor than the normal concrete. No...not a floor. A bed. She was laying in a bed, with a warm blanket laid over her still body. Her head was pounding, the sound of her rapid heartbeat making it ache more and more. After several minutes of painful silence, she heard a sound from right next to her. The sound made her calmer, yet more afraid. It was the sound of a computer booting up. She felt the bed shift next to her, as if someone was getting out of it, then heard two soft "thumps" of feet landing on the floor. She heard a cold, yet very smooth, robotic voice say out loud "sleep mode disengaged. Battery full."
   (Y/n) managed to open her eyes a small bit, just enough to see Googleplier standing next to the bed, watching her struggle to regain full conciousness. She closed her eyes again, trying to focus on slowing her heartbeat. She heard the sound of walking, the sound getting further until it disappeared entirely. Minutes, maybe hours, later, the sound returned again, and they stopped right next to her, next to the bed. She felt something wet and cool being placed on her forehead, and she tried to fight back as her mouth was forced open and two small pills were dropped into it. She felt water being poured in after, and swallowed quickly in fear of drowning herself.
   Google watched her as she struggled for a second, then stopped once more and relaxed. He had apparently hit her harder than he originally thought, or perhaps it was something else? He couldn't really tell, but he assisted her by placing the washcloth on her head and forcing her to take pain meds. Google played soft music as he sat by the bed, waiting for her to become fully concious. He was startled slightly as she whispered.
"Fer favorite..." her voice was still hoarse, but her eyes were open, and Googleplier smiled a little in satisfaction as he switched the song to Fer Elise. (Y/n) liked classical music...this pleased him in an odd way. He removed the washcloth from her forehead and gently placed his hand onto it. After about a minute, there were several beeps, and Google muttered "body scan complete: subject is healthy in most terms, severely fractured nose and possible concussion." Google looked at (y/n) almost apologetically, starting to feel guilty that he had hit her so hard. As he thought back on that moment, he realized that his punch had thrown her head back, and sent her flying backwards a few feet before she hit the floor. Google blinked away the memory, and smiled at her. "Glad to see you are now awake. I must apologize for hitting you so hard, I sometimes cannot control myself with my actions. Especially around you...anyway. The medication I gave you should be helping to ease your pain, although your nose will take some time to heal."
He stood up and began to walk out of the room, when (y/n)'s quiet voice stopped him. "Google....what happened to Anti's blood? Shouldn't that help?" She turned her head towards him slowly, and she swallowed lightly at the look on his face. Google's eyes were now glowing red, and his breathing had become heavier. He had grabbed the door handle on his way out, and (y/n) noticed that it was now crushed, like a tin can. Noticing her staring, Google closed his eyes and let go of the door, whispered "attack mode engaged" then quickly left the room without another word. Suddenly feeling much better, (y/n) swung her legs over the edge of the bed, letting herself adjust a little before standing. She looked around the room and was delighted to see that it looked like a normal bed room, with a desk and a computer, a dresser, and a king size bed. She sighed softly and walked to the door slowly, peeking out of it before walking out. There was a short hallway beyond it, two other doors along the way, and a staircase at the end. She began to walk towards the staircase when the door closest to her current room opened, and Darkiplier walked out of it wearing only dress pants.
He immediately noticed her and stared for a moment before smirking slightly and turning towards her. "I see Google has taken his turn early. No matter, it just brings you closer to seem confused. Google must not have told you what this place is. This is our house, and by our, I mean my, Google, and Wilford's house. It's in the middle of absolutely nowhere, so you are free to roam outside but know this...if you try to escape, it will only end very badly for you. Do you understand?" Darkiplier smiled in satisfaction as (y/n) nodded, then frowned a tiny bit. "What happened to your face?"
(Y/n) swallowed hard before answering "umm...Google punched me...really hard." She stopped talking at the look that had fallen into Dark's face. It was a look of anger, a look of murder, and it frightened her more than Anti could. He stepped closer to her, grabbing her arm tightly as she tried to move away, then he leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss upon her broken nose. With a start, (y/n) noticed the pain in her face melt away, only to be replaced with the warmth of her blushing. She looked into Dark's black eyes as he whispered "enjoy your time here...before your mine." Dark disappeared in a cloud of thick black smoke, and (y/n) found herself staring at the wall.

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