Chapter 6

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    (Y/n) woke up later to Google shaking her awake and she looked up at him in confusion. "What...what is it? What time is it?" Google chuckled at her tiredness.
   "It's almost midnight (y/n). I was waking you up to see if you wanted to take a night walk in the forest?" Google smiles slightly at the look on her face, a look of happiness and serenity that he had not seen on her face before now. It gave him an odd but warm feeling in his system core, and he couldn't help but think that he needed to preserve that look.
"Yes! I would so love to, yes!" (Y/n) jumped up excitedly, looking around for the clothes she was wearing earlier.
"If you don't mind terribly, I took the opportunity of your slumber to get you some new clothing. They are on the dresser over there...I hope you like them." Google abruptly stated before quickly walking out of the room. (Y/n) looked over to the dresser before walking to it and looking down a the clothes provided for her. A pair of black skinny jeans with a dark grey tank top awaited her, along with a few choices of shoes and matching jackets. The jackets were all made of wool, and had no buttons or zippers, but they were different colors. There was a black one, a blue one, a pink one, and a green one. The shoes were all combat boots, all her size, and came in matching colors to the jackets. There was a solid black pair, a dark blue pair with zigzags on them, a bright pink pair with black swirls, and a solid dark green pair.
(Y/n) stared at them for a while, knowing this was some kind of test of who to choose. The thing is, she didn't know the significance. If she chose the black pair, would she end up with Dark? Or would he be eliminated from the cycle? And why was there a green pair? Anti's turn was over long ago. She really wanted to find her own shoes and jacket, but something told her that she shouldn't, so she didn't. She barely even looked at the blue or pink jacket, the green and black ones being the center of her attention. (Y/n) stood in front of the clothing for about half an hour before slipping on the jeans and the tank top, then throwing on the black shoes and jacket. As soon as the jacket covered her shoulders, (y/n) felt strangely comfortable and safe, like nothing could ever hurt her again. She knew there was nothing out there less true than what she just felt.
   (Y/n) stepped out of the room slowly, scared that if Google was unsatisfied with her choice she would regret it immensely, but the fear of such a thing did not last long. She strode confidently into the hall, but as soon as her foot stepped in front of Dark's door, his pale arm shot out of the dark opening and dragged her into the cold room. (Y/n) barely managed to keep herself from yelling but Dark's sudden hug made her now rapid heart beat slow down. She looked up at him to see a small smile plastered onto his face, his black eyes twinkling down at her.
   "You chose have no clue what you've done, but you chose me..." he whispered softly as he gazed into her eyes. At first, (y/n) thought she had chosen to kill him, or to break him out of the cycle, but the smile on his face and the way he spoke made it seem like he had never been this happy before. Before she could utter another sound she felt a soft, but strikingly cold, pair of lips on hers. Dark was kissing her, a kiss that she hadn't received in a long time. A kiss full of passion, full of comfort...full of love. She couldn't tell if she actually felt the love, but she really hoped that she was feeling it. In this moment, there was only her and Dark, his strong but cold arms wrapped around her, her arms pinned between her chest and his.
   He pulled away slowly, a new shimmer in his dark eyes, and he just smiled wider at her, gazing into her (e/c) eyes. She smiled up at him. He looked up at the door and looked around, then leaned down and whispered "after your rendevous with Google, wait until he is in charge mode and come meet me here. Alright?" Nodding at him, (y/n) quickly made her way out of Dark's room and down the stairs to see a waiting Google at the front door. As soon as his eyes lay on her, she could see the disappointment in his eyes, the anger seething deep within them. She could tell that he wanted to beat the living crap out of her, make her scream and beg for mercy, but he couldn't. Wilford would claim her immediately if he did. Google closed his eyes for about ten seconds, and when he opened them the anger was gone.
   He smiled at her, a genuine smile. "Ready to go, (y/n)?" She smiled slightly at him, nodding and whispering a "yes". He opened the door and motioned for her to go first, laying his hand on the small of her back as she passed through. Google closed the door behind them and casually slung an arm around her shoulders, leading her into the surrounding forest. They were a few minutes deep into nothing but trees when Google turned his head to look at her "(y/n) I must apologize for everything that has happened to you since the day Anti kid napped you. There have been countless victims, all chosen by people that hate them, or people that Anti or Dark choose themselves. Now, it's not my place to tell you this, I don't think it's anyone's place...but Anti lied to you. Your bully, what was his name? David? Davis? Who cares...he wasn't the one who told Anti to kidnap you. Dark chose you. Nobody knows why, he usually has a motive, but this time he didn't. Not even he knows why he chose you. We were looking over options one day, and when your profile came up, he just kind of...stared. His eyes flashed, like he was taking a picture, and he demanded that you be the one." By now, they had both stopped walking and (y/n) just stared at him, dumbfounded and confused.
   "Dark....chose me? His eyes flashed? What do you mean profile? Answer that one first" she spoke quickly, scared of the answers she would receive.
   "Profile...well whenever Dark or Anti pass by someone of interest, they capture their scent and follow them for a while, gaining information. Anti must have passed you somewhere and I guess he thought you were interesting enough to follow. Would you happen to remember when?" Google looked at her oddly.


(Y/n) was walking home as usual, her mom working a long day. Usually on her way home she would pass through the park, but something told her that she should walk through central city. As she passed by one of the more popular bars, a man in his mid to late 20s called out to her, obviously drunk. He had black hair, a small beard going on and gorgeous green eyes, but they were glazed with drunken stupidity.
   "Heeeey''s it going? You want some company home?" He slurred, walking out of the bar towards her. (Y/n) didn't answer, she just sped up her walking and did her best to ignore him. She could hear him, still following her and calling out to her in his drunken state. As soon as she passed an empty alleyway, he tackled her and put his hand over her mouth to keep her from screaming for help. Panic filled her, blinding her judgement as she tried so desperately to get away but to no avail. He pinned her down with one hand, using his other to shove a napkin into her mouth and unbutton her shorts. Her eyes filled with tears and she continues to struggle, silently praying to anyone who could hear her that she would be saved.
   Before the man could shove his hand down her underwear, he was violently ripped away from her and slammed against a wall so hard the wall cracked, along with his spine. He fell to his knees as spit up several mouthfuls of blood before falling face first onto the concrete and laying still, dead. A new man hovered over her, standing in shadow so she couldn't see his face, but she could have sworn on her life that his eyes were a lucid green color, glowing in the darkness. He smiled at her softly, then disappeared as quickly as he appeared, and she found herself sitting on her living room floor with a lingering scent of cologne.


(Y/n) was jolted back to reality as Google shook her, and they locked eyes.
   "(Y/n)? Are you alright? You suddenly became as pale as a ghost..." Google gently cupped her face in his hands, staring into her frightened eyes. She quickly told him what she had just remembered, and he sighed softly. "It's alright, it's over. I suppose I can understand why you're not too fond of us....of me. But either way, I still want to apologize for everything..." he leaned down to kiss her, but stopped with his lips hardly a centimeter from hers. He breathed slowly, deeply, then pulled back and gripped her shoulders tightly. "You..." the anger was once again rising in his eyes, rising faster than before. He was shaking with absolute rage, and barely managed to not break her collar bone. He stepped back, his breathing uneasy and heavy, and he just turned around and stomped back to the house. (Y/n) waited a minute or two before making her way back into the house, creeping into Google's room to see him laying on the bed, in full sleep mode. She bit her lip and closed the door, then made her way to Dark's room.

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