Chapter 12

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   Y/n and Crank got dressed a few minutes after they were done, then walked back inside to see Google standing at the bottom of the stairs with an expression beyond fury. This worried neither Crank nor y/n for the others had just walked in and although he was allowed to abuse her again, it seemed like they wouldn't let her get hurt. At least not too badly. She looked at Google briefly before glancing over to Dark, who was walking towards her.
   "Y/n, we didn't get a chance before the meeting, because you were uhm...busy" he cleared his throat before setting his eyes on Google for a mere moment, then returning his icy gaze to her face "but I would like to have a word with, in private. Complete privacy is required." He looked around at the others with a sharp glare as he spoke the last part. Y/n was nervous as to what Dark would need to talk to her about in such privacy, but he didn't seem to be angry or in any sort of hurry to be alone with her. He led her back up the stairs and to his room where he closed and locked the door behind her, placed his hand on the door and made it flash a bright white before the room dimmed once more.
   "I'm just ensuring our privacy. Now, we need to talk about what happened between us a few nights ago." His words were soft, as was his gaze, but y/n had convinced herself what happened that night was just a dream. She distinctly remembers waking up in Google's room. "I understand your confusion" Dark said, snapping her out of her thoughts "what happened between us seemed like a dream. I made it seem that way. Y/n, you being here with us has turned into some kind of horrible cliche haven't been here for more than a year but I can't help but feel infuriated when Google treats you with such disrespect. To say I love you would be a death sentence for us both, but I'm sure that's what this feeling is called. And I'm also sure you understand why, if you feel the same way, things would not work out well between us. The only way for a demon and a human to be together is to make the human into a demon, but that is not an option for you." He seemed sad as he spoke, almost depressed.
   "Why isn't it an option? Surely it's not that hard to do? Or someone else can help us?" she frantically threw these options out there, but Dark quickly hushed her with a shake of his head and a stern "no".
   "Trust me, I've tried. So has Anti. His blood, it only worked for a short time, correct?" at the affirmitive nod of her head, he continued "That is because it's...well, for lack of a better term, illegal to turn you into a demon. As you know, humans have souls, but what you probably don't know is that each human soul falls into a different category. The categories are: pure, where the human has a kind and gentle soul, one that can never do any harm towards any living creature; tainted, where the soul used to be pure but was tainted by some evil act or evil being; and dirty, where the soul was foul from the start, and this human can basically do no good. Demons have laws, believe it or not, and one of our most precious laws is to deal with souls as need be. You see, when a human dies, it goes through the demon council for inspection, and if the soul is deamed worthy, it is put among the demon world. If the soul is too pure, or not tainted enough, it moves on to Rest, where souls can release their energy for the betterment of the land they lived on. If any demon, high rank or low, harmed a pure soul or destroys it, that demon's existence is erased completely. The soul they had when they died is consumed by the Devil, and anything that demon has ever created in the demon realm is destroyed along with it. Your soul is one of the purest things I have ever had the pleasure of seeing in my entire existence...I want to taint it, I want to watch as it turns black so incredibly badly. But I value my own life enough to stay away. I had to tell you this because I believe Google is trying to taint your soul enough to be able to turn it without consequence."
   "Well, then if he turns me then you and I could be together...right? That could work." Y/n said with hope in her eyes. She frowned more as Dark shook his head sadly.
   "No, it can't work that way y/n. If he were to taint you enough to turn you, you would become his property. The demon realm still prides itself on having the men as the dominants of any situation, and the woman as an object, which I really don't agree with. Anyway, if Google were to tunr you, you would be taking part of Google's soul, so he could find you no matter where you were, he would be able to know if you were safe or not, and most of all, you would be walking around with his mark. This mark is only visible to male demons, as the females have no mark of their own. If another male demon were to bed you, that demon would slowly melt away. Literally melt, like ice cream in a fire pit. His screams would be heard for miles, and the demon who owns you would have permission to beat you within an inch of death in public, even if the other demon had forced you into his bed. If you were to become tainted, I would have to be the one to turn you for us to have any future. But y/n, please don't try to become tainted...your soul is beautiful, something I could look at for days on end...if I were to see something so perfect become so ugly, I think my heart would quite literally shatter into pieces. I know you don't have a life beyond these walls anymore, but please...if you do love me back, you will stay as pure as possible." Y/n never thought she would see a powerful demon on the verge of tears, but one was standing before her now. She thought it unnatural, and sort of unsettling, that such a demon was confessing such profound love to her, but one question rang through her mind, and she spoke it.
   "Can a soul even remain pure if it yearns for the touch of a demon?" Y/n almost regretted asking that, for the look on Dark's face could break anyone's heart. A tear spilled from one of his black eyes, and they seemed to becomed dull; the expression written on his face was a mixture of depression, fear, and loss. He looked almost defeated. He used a handkerchief to wipe away the tears, before pulling her in for a tight hug.
   "I wish you wouldn't yearn for me." was all he said before pulling back enough to place a kiss upon her lips with so much feeling it made her dizzy, and very very sad. She kissed back, trying to put the same amount of feeling into the kiss as he did, but found herself slipping into a strange unconciousness. She felt warm, and safe, but could see nothing but blackness. It felt like she was dreaming, yet aware of the fact that she was asleep, when she heard her name as if being echoed through many tunnels.
   "Y/n.....y/n...y/n! Wake up!" she sat up quickly, her heart beating rapidly and her face covered in sweat, a few tears rolling down her face to mix in with the sweat. She looked into Crank's worry-filled eyes, blinking her own to clear her vision. She looked around, confused, then locked eyes with Dark who just walked silently into the room, wiping away a stray tear. He shook his head softly at her, telling her to forget the "dream" she just had. She looked back to Crank as he spoke.
   "Hey, are you alright? Dark asked to speak to you and you just kind of...collapsed. Does your head hurt? Do you need some water?" Crank was obviously worried for her, which she found cute and nice, but she was still upset and confused with what just happened. She glanced at Google, who seemed to be scanning her for injuries, for a brief moment before she nodded soflty.
   "Some water would be nice...I think I should just go back to bed for a while..." her voice was soft and sad, but only Dark and Wilford seemed to pick up on the feeling. Wilford whispered something to Google, who clenched his teeth before nodding, and walked with Crank upstairs to his room. Wilford walked over to y/n and offered his hand, which she gladly took and stood up slowly, her head pounding.
   "You can sleep in my room for now, Google and Crank need to figure out a new layout for the room. You'll probably have to stay in my room for a few days, is that alright?" He looked back at her.
   "Yes, that's fine...thank you Willford. You've been rather nice to me since I got here, and I kind of look forward to spending more time with you. We haven't spoken too much." She smiled slightly as she spoke, following him up the stairs and into his room which was surprsingly clean. He let her sit on the bed, which was a king size and rather soft, as he walked back downstairs to get her a glass of water. As she waited for Wilford to come back, y/n thought more about the talk she had had with Dark only minutes before, and found herself shaking her head in disbelief.

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