Chapter 10

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(Y/n) sat in the same seat as the first time she sat here, except Google was sitting much closer to her this time. Anti locked eyes with her briefly and winked, smirking slightly at the anger growing on Google's once placid face. Dark and Wilford sat across from each other as usual, with Crank sitting on (y/n)'s other side and Anti on the opposite end of her. Dark stood up and cleared his throat to get everyone's attention, and once he was sure he had it he nodded in Crank's direction.
"This meeting is being held to welcome a new face to our ranks. As you should know, Mark has a new editor named 'Ethan' and this is his counterpart, Corroded Crank. Since the original terms for (y/n) have already been made, Crank will have to share time with someone else. Google. Would you be willing to accept such terms?" Dark looked over at Google and (y/n) who had both begun to look a tad angry. It was obvious why Google was mad: he didn't want to share the girl with anyone else, especially since no one else had to share. (Y/n) was only angry because she felt less like a person and more like an object, but she was far too scared to say anything about it.
Google stood quickly and stared straight into Corroded Crank's eyes. "Yes, I will accept these terms on one condition. The previous dealings that (y/n) and I share must be abolished." Dark's jaw twitched slightly and Wilford's mouth almost formed a smirk, while (y/n)'s face was frozen in shock. She knew that nobody else would be so willing to share their time, and Google would be fearfully violent towards her once more. She looked over to Crank who was looking confused and sighed softly to herself. There was no way he would let anything bad happen to her even if he did have a weird form of Tourette's syndrome. Surely she would be safe with him around. Right?
Dark and Anti both looked at each other for a long period of time before Dark nodded solemnly.
"Fine....the previous terms negotiated about the abuse of (y/n)....are abolished. If you share your time with Crank, you can do with her as you wish." His voice was unusually quiet and somber, which confused everyone there, but Google didn't revel in the confusion for long. He was happy to know that he could resume his torturous ways toward the girl. In truth, he never really liked hurting her, but the sounds she made and the way her body moves under certain circumstances could very easily get him hard at just a thought. Google smiled wickedly and sat back down, gripping (y/n)'s shoulder tightly and whispering in her ear "I will really make you regret being here. At the same time, I will rock your body like no one else ever could." His voice was deep and gravelly in her ear.
   (Y/n) looked up at Dark who had a sympathetic look in his eyes, but he looked away and cleared his throat. "It has been decided then...we will expand Google's room and add another wall so Crank can stay close by. Crank, please follow me into the other room so I can speak to you privately. Everyone else may go home I'll be there soon." He walked out of the room quickly with Crank following closely behind. He threw a soft look back at you before walking into the other room and closing the door.
   Anti stood and glared at Google but said nothing, and Wilford gently pulled (y/n) aside to whisper in her ear "don't worry my dear, I'll make sure he doesn't you too bad, alright?" He smiled softly as she nodded, then gently rubbed her cheek with his thumb. His eyes were soft as they gazed into hers, and he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead which obviously infuriated Google. Anti roughly pushed past Google and stood in front of (y/n) as Wilford left.
   Anti sighed heavily before hugging her, which surprised everyone there. He grabbed her hand and put something it subtly, then smirked at her, leaning close to whisper "remember what I used to do in case you need to do it to someone else. Remember, stick it deep, make it hurt." He kissed her cheek roughly before walking away and talking to Google and Wilford. (Y/n) looked down into her hand to see what he gave her, and her heart leapt in sudden joy as she saw it was a rather large folding knife, curved like a claw. The handle was a pitch black, the blade a neon green just like Anti. She slipped it into her pocket and smiled at him, and in return he gave her a wink. (Y/n) started to think for a moment; when she first got here, she was scared of everyone because it seemed they were all out to get her, but now that Google has nearly killed her a couple times everyone else seemed to be on her side. She couldn't totally decide if she was scared of Anti or not, but she was definitely scared of Google. She didn't talk to Wilford much, but he made her uncomfortable for some reason. Dark was a whole other story. When she first met him he terrified her beyond belief, but now she felt safest when with him. And the new guy, Crank...she was undecided. He seems like an incredible person, but the violent Tourette's was definitely something to worry about. She looked around the room as Dark and Crank walked back in, and unconsciously smiled to herself. She almost hated to admit it, but these men had become a bigger part of her life than her own family had, and even though Google terrified her, she strangely felt happy.

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