Chapter 11 (Smut Chapter)

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   (Y/n) had no time to think more about her newfound happiness, for Google walked up and gripped her arm tight enough to leave an obvious bruise. She grunted in pain as he dragged her a little ways away from the table.
   "We are done here, and will be going home. Prepare yourself." Google said sharply before preparing to transport them home. They were stopped quickly by a call out to them: "guys, wait up!"
   (Y/n) turned around to see who was calling to them, and was happy to see it was Crank jogging up to them with a devious smile painted onto his pale face. "Hey, Google. Umm Dark said that since I'm new, and staying with you guys, that I should try to transport us home. That cool?" He didn't wait for a response before pulling (y/n) away and transporting both her and himself back to the house; (y/n) was surprised to see that they were behind the house, outside.
   "I'm actually really good at transportation, I just wanted to pull you aside to tell you not to worry. Google isn't allowed to hurt you, Dark just said that so I could share a turn. I'll make sure that he won't harm you too bad, ok? I'll be your new bestie if you want!" He smiled and shrugged, giggling a little bit, and in that moment he seemed just like Ethan. (Y/n) smiled a little and nodded.
   "Sure! I would love to be besties with you Crank." she smiled wide as he blushed slightly and couldn't help but feel a surge of attraction towards him. Y/n had always had a small crush on the young YouTuber, so being before his likeness was a little overwhelming as well as super comforting. Crank must have sensed the feeling, for he looked the girl up and down with a look in his eyes similar to hunger, and he found himself wanting to be closer to her, so he gently grabber her by her waist and pulled her into a soft kiss. She was surprised but quickly kissed back, a deep blush spreading across her face as quickly as a river going downstream. Crank pulled away and chuckled at the expression on her face, a mixture of confusion and happiness, lust and nervousness. "Perhaps, besties with benefits?" Crank said softly, looking from her eyes down to her chest, which was almost exposed due to her shirt becoming looser from Google pulling on it.
   Y/n nodded shyly, then giggled softly at herself "not too long ago, I thought I was in the worst possible place with Anti, and I was ready to just die when I was handed over to Google...and now I'm almost glad that I'm here. And I'm standing in front of you, who represents one of my favorite YouTubers, agreeing to being friends with benefits. What the hell happened to me?" The last part was said almost silently to herself, as if she really wanted an answer from herself. Crank smirked, then frowned a little before responding: "maybe it's because, even after all the shit that's been done to you, we are still a better family to you than your own actual family..." This response was whispered, but to y/n, giving her the answer she desired. This made her think about everything that had happened so far and began to think to herself, maybe Crank is right. Her own family was horrible to her, and these men were pretty terrible, but in a way they were better. Anti used to give her whatever she wanted, always made sure she was healthy, and kept her entertained for the most part. Google beat the shit out of her, which was inexscusable, but he always made sure she was alive and recovered properly. Y/n looked up at Crank, who was still looking at her like she was a snack, and smiled softly.
   "I guess you're guys have been better company since day one." she gasped as Crank suddenly leaned forward and bit her neck soflty in different places until his cold teeth reached the crook of her neck where she let out a loud moan. He smirked as he pulled her closer to him, kissing, licking, and biting that same spot on her neck while his hands roamed down and squeezed her ass, to which she responded with another gasp followed by a low moan. She reached her arms up to wrap them around his neck as they locked lips once again, the heat between them intense and nearly unberable. He reached his hands up and under her shirt to unclasp her bra, which he immediately removed and used one hand to fondle her right breast as the other reached under her ass to the back of her left thigh, pulling it up to wrap her leg around his waist. She moaned as the cool metal of his right arm collided softly with the hot flesh of her thigh, and she couldn't help but grind herself against him as he wrapped her leg around his waist. As she did this, Crank gently pushed her onto her back, quickly climbing on top of her and biting her lip softly. She opened her mouth slightly to let him inside, and he wasted no time in slipping his cold tongue inside her warm mouth, exploring the space. She moaned into the kiss, wrapping both legs around his waist and both arms around his neck, leaning her head to make it easier for him to shove his tongue down her throat. He pulled away and looked her in the eyes, blushing and unsure.
   "I-I just...are you sure you want to do this? We don't have to if you don't want to, I'm totally fine with not doing it...I guess?" Crank silently scolded himself for being so awkward in this situation, but was relieved when he saw an adorable smile on her face instead of a look of anger or annoyance.
   "Crank...I want to. And I can honestly say that you're the first to ask if it was ok, the others just did whatever they wanted..." y/n frowned slightly at the thought, but Crank's gentle and reassuring hand on her cheek made her smile. Without speaking another word, their lips met again, this time with less need and more passion, more feeling. Crank removed her shirt, making sure she was comfortable with her back against the ground before reaching down to unbutton her shorts. They locked eyes as he slowly unzipped them, her face turning red from shyness, his face staying the same pale color, and he locked his lips onto her neck once more as he slipped her shorts off of her entirely. Crank pulled back and sat up in his knees to admire her exposed body and remove his own shirt. He looked at her again and chuckled softly as she squirmed, obviously eager for their romp to continue, so he leaned down and removed her underwear, taking note of the sudden stillness in her body. It was a clear sign that although she was ready, she was nervous, and this helped him decide to take things slow and easy. He positioned himself for an easy entry, and looked at her, waiting for a signal that it was still ok. She hesitated, but finally nodded her head slightly, just enough for him to understand that it was ok. Crank kissed the girl softly on the lips as he slid himself inside her warm core, paying attention to the way her breath hitched and her tensed, but relaxed soon after. He moaned softly as he slid himself all the way in, as deep as his dick would allow, and listened to her soft moans. She tightened her grip around his waist as he began to thrust, slowly and softly at first, but he gained speed as the pleasure increased with each thrust. Their moans were intertwining almost like music, his hands on either side of her body, her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck with her hands reaching up to tangle themselves in his hair. She moaned louder as he fixed himself into a new position which allowed him to hit the sweet spot inside her, and he moaned louder as her walls squeezed themselves around his dick while she pulled gently on his hair. She asked him to go harder, and he did, clenching his teeth as the pleasure nearly overtook him so soon, but it was obvious that she was closer to her climax than he to his. He leaned down and sunk his teeth into her neck, almost breaking the skin as his left hand travelled down her stomach to her clit, which he rubbed quickly. Her moans almost turned into screams at the newfound pleasure and her head tilted back from the ecstasy as her orgasm exploded through her body and all over his throbbing cock. His thrusts became erratic and uneven as he reached his climax soon after, burying his dick as deep as possible as he did so. Y/n lay on the ground panting while Crank hovered above her, looking down at her tired and sweaty face with joy, and another feeling that warmed him, and he smiled at her as she looked up at him.
   "You ok? Do you need water?" Crank asked with a hint of amusement. Y/n shook her head and giggled, smiling up at him brightly.
   "No, I'm alright..thank you though. That was really fun....I'm really glad that that happened with you...sorry that was weird.." Y/n blushed the more she spoke, hating how stupid she sounded. She was relieved when Crank shook his head while chuckling.
   "No, it's fine. You're fine...I had fun too, and I wanna do it again...if that's ok with you?" Crank was obviously very shy after the fun they had, but so was she, which made them more comfortable with each other. Y/n nodded and giggled, adding an "I would like that very much" before they shared another kiss.

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