Chapter 14 (Smut Chapter)

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   Google stood over y/n for several minutes as she lay on the floor sobbing, craddling her broken arm as well as she could with her broken wrist. He thought to himself that since it's his last night with her, he might as well have some good old fashioned fun with her. He leaned down and grabbed her shoulder, smiling wickedly at the sound she made when he yanked her to her feet. Google forced her to sit in a chair and tied her hands together behind her back, making sure to tighten the rope as tightly as possible around her wrists. She yelled out in pain again as her arm was forced to move uncomfortably, and her wrist squeezed again. Google walked over to a small stack of boxes and opened the top box, searched around in it for a second  before walking back with a roll of ductape which he used to tape her mouth shut.
   " I can have some peace and quiet while I think of things I can do to you..." he walked a few steps away then looked at her, thinking about different torture methods that have been used throughout the ages. Some of his favorites were the ones such as putting a large metal shaft a horses saddle and making her ride around on it, or the sawhorse with a large blade on top. No...that one would kill her. Perhaps the classic head lock, forcing her to bend over...yes, that one seemed fun. Maybe not fun enough. Nothing he could search on his browser seemed like enough fun. A sickening smirk was plastered onto his face as he watched her struggle to regain normal breathing, and shift her body a little every once in a while to see if she could get away. Google supposed his normal methods of torture and personal pleasure would have to be enough for now. He reached into the box again and pulled out a ruler, a small knife, and an electronic muscle stimulator that he rigged to be able to shock people. Y/n's eyes watched him as he walked over to her and began to use the knife to cut her shirt open; he then began to place the sticky pads from the stimulator to her body, placing some on her chest, some just under her bra line, and a couple on her stomach and hips. He looked her deep in the eyes, smiling and laughing lightly at the look of deep fear in her eyes; Google then turned his attention back to the stimulator and turned it up to level one, watching her twitch and listening to the grunting noises she made each time a wave passed. Google's breathing was becoming more ragged as he watched her cry, and twitch, and listened to the sounds she made, some like screams, and some like moans.
   His pants were becoming tighter the longer this continued so Google turned up the level to level 5, making her twitch much harder and jolt sometimes with louder yet still muffled screams. He turned it up to level seven, the level just before actual electricity shoots through her body, and left it there. Google used his strength to rip through her shorts and her underwear, and as she sit there naked and injured, she suddenly remembered the fun she had with Crank earlier. Suddenly the stimulation was turned off, and she looked at Google with pleading eyes, while his were still glowing an angry red. He leaned over her, his hands gripping the arm rests of the chair tightly as he leaned forward until his nose was almost touching hers.
   "You...were with him, weren't you? You and Crank....had sex, didn't you?" his voice was breaking in his rage, and he ripped the tape off her mouth as hard as possible. He saw bits of skin had come off with it. "Answer fucked Crank, didn't you?"
   "Y-yes, Google....I h-had sex with C-Crank...please let me go, please I promise I'll-" Google interrupted her with a hard, back handed slap across her face, causing her cheek to bruise. She spat out a small amount of blood, and slowly turned her head to look at him again, sobbing as quietly as she could manage, and she spoke no words. Google leaned toward her again and took a deep breath, taking in her scent, and attempting to calm himself down.
   "Only answer the questions I ask, do not speak otherwise. Got it? Good. Now...tell me how it felt. How was he?" Google stared at her intently, waiting for her to answer.
   "It felt..g-good? I guess...h-he was...Crank was good I-I guess..." she tried to speak as normally as possible, but it was difficult because pain was still being felt all throughout her body. Google clenched his jaw and closed his eyes, feeling himself become more turned on.
   "Describe it to me...tell me how it started...was he rough? Gentle? Did he bite a lot?" He was now on his knees in front of her. "And don't make any other sound other than you talking, ok?" Y/n nodded slightly as Google picked up the knife again, and slowly drew it across her stomach, creating a small gash. Y/n did her best to not make a sound, and began to speak of her experience with Crank.
   "He w-was gentle...made sure I-I wanted to do it..h-he bit a lot-ah!" she let out a small cry as he started to drag the knife across her chest, cutting deep, but she bit her lip hard to try and mask the pain. Google sighed, not in annoyance but perhaps in pleasure as she tried not to scream. Google groaned a bit looking her in the eyes.
   "Are you ready for the real fun to start?" He didn't wait for an answer before he cut the rope and pulled her off of the chair and threw her to the floor again. He hurredly took his own clothes off and quickly positioned himself in between her legs, knife in hand and thrusted himself into her, hard. Google moaned as he did so and after hearing her noise of protest, decided to tape her mouth closed again. He used one hand to prop himself up as he took the knife and pressed the tip against her side, slowly pushing on it harder until it broke through her skin and plunged into her side, causing her to scream in pain again, causing him to get more turned on. Google removed the knife and licked it clean before throwing it to the opposite end of the room and grabbing her hips, pulling them up slightly as he began to pound into her hard and fast. Despite the pain coursing through her body, y/n couldn't help but moan with Google as his hips collided with hers in a painful, yet wonderful, way. Her breathing was already short and ragged from all the pain Google had caused her, and the intense amount of pleasure building in her core was only making it worse. Blood was covering her body and the ground around her but Google squeezed the knife wound to prevent her from going into shock. As he pounded away, y/n almost wished that he would let go of her side and let her bleed out onto the floor, but she knew wishing for such a thing was useless. He wouldn't let her die, and even if he did Dark would do anything and everything within his power to prevent her death. Google was now thrusting into her faster and harder, if that was even possible, and was getting close to his finish. Y/n did the best she could to keep her eyes open but despite Google's efforts at keeping her from bleeding to death, she was losing consciousness fast. As Google came inside her, her eyes closed and her breathing slowed until it almost stopped, and she no longer felt anything as she passed out. The last thing she heard was Google saying "I hope I see you in hell...we aren't done here."

Hey everyone! It's the wonderful and sadistic author here! I wanted to apologise for not updating a lot and then all of a sudden posting like 4 chapters in two days! These chapters are a bit  longer than normal because I just got a new laptop and am using that to type this book! I'm also saying stuff in this chapter because this is the end of book two, but book three will be up very soon! Happy reading, my little masochists.

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