Chapter 4

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   (Y/n) woke up with a pounding headache that wasn't made any better by the screaming coming from the hallway. The hallway....why the hallway? Who was yelling? She slowly opened her eyes to see Darkiplier standing in the doorway having a screaming match with Googleplier. Google was screaming something about "stealing his turn" and Dark was retaliating with "you're too rough", and Wilford was standing somewhere else agreeing with Dark. As she sat up, (y/n) winced at the pain in her back and her head, and last night's occurrences suddenly flooded her mind again. The harness, the belt, her now ruined shirt....the pain. She had never felt pain quite like that, and she had to admit she was scared it would happen again. Looking over her shoulder at the boys, (y/n) very carefully crawled out of the bed, but couldn't keep a small groan of pain from leaving her mouth.
Google's eyes whipped straight to her and he pushed past Dark, falling to his knees in front of her. "(Y/n)! Please! Understand what happened. I said before that I can't control myself around you, and it's true! Last night I never meant to hurt you as badly as I did...I can't express how sorry I am, but please....forgive me. Long enough to wait out my turn, and I'll release you to Wilford with no problems! I promise...please (y/n), don't leave me yet."
His speech was entirely pathetic for a computer-human hybrid, but (y/n) couldn't help but feel sorry for him. She blinked her eyes several times, glanced at Dark who was still fuming, then shifted her gaze back to Google. "I will forgive you...on one condition." Her gaze shifted back to Dark who was now staring at her in utter confusion, but Google quickly regained her attention by slamming his hands on the ground.
"What's the condition?!" He yelled. (Y/n) swallowed hard as she thought of something she wanted, but something she wasn't sure if she could have.
"I...if you hurt me like that again, you will immediately give me to Wilford. And you can't hurt them anymore, for whatever reason. Is that understood?" Her voice was quiet, but firm. She bit her lip in fear at the look on Google's face. It showed nothing but absolute fury and he looked back at Dark in a horrible anger, although it didn't faze Dark in the slightest. Google slowly brought his gaze back to her, and spoke with a deep and gravelly voice that chilled her spine.
"Fine. It's a deal. But keep in mind, that using your delicious body for my pleasures does not count as pain. It counts as part of the original deal. Understood?" Google stared straight into (y/n)'s eyes, waiting for her to protest so he could beat her again. But she didn't. She knew in her mind that this had to happen either way, and she would rather have it happen without the horrendous acts of violence. She nodded her head slightly, though it still ached, and when she turned her attention back to Dark she could see nothing but regret in his eyes. It confused her but she had no time to ask him what was wrong, for Google grabbed her hand roughly at first, then relaxed and led her back to his room.
   "Please....lay down on the bed, on your stomach. I will not hurt you anymore, I wish to treat your back with proper care. Then we can go outside, alright?" Google spoke to her gently with a voice that seemed to be made of silk. He urged her onto the bed and sighed as he looked upon the welts he left on her back, regretting his actions. He was usually able to control himself around victims, but something about this woman made him absolutely bonkers...sometimes he wanted to fuck her until she couldn't walk, sometimes he wanted to beat her until she wasn't recognisable, and sometimes....sometimes he just wanted to touch her and feel her body with all her curves and beauty. Now was definitely one of those times. Google quickly left the room and got several wash cloths, different healing creams, pain killers, and a few boxes of bandages along with a bucket of cold water and a bottle of whiskey. Honey whiskey, (y/n)'s favorite alcohol.
   He poured some whiskey into a shot glass and handed it to her, waited for her to drink it, then dipped a wash cloth into a cold bucket of water and started washing down her back. Google sighed softly as she hissed in pain but he didn't stop, he continued to clean her back until it was ready for the different creams. He flinched back after putting some onto her back because she yelled out in pain and wriggled underneath him. He clenched his teeth, trying to ignore the noises she made as he gently massaged her back with the cream, already seeing a different in the welts. Darkiplier had made this cream, for instances when Wilford got himself into stupid situations like he usually did, so this shit was good for just about anything.
   (Y/n) wiggled a little as Google began to get more sexual with the massage, gently gripping her shoulders, rubbing his hands down her back and gently squeezing her ass. She would be lying if she said she didn't like it. It was unlike anything else she had felt previously with him, or Anti, and she couldn't help but release a long, low moan as his fingers brushed over her inner thigh.

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