Chapter 8

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(Y/n) woke up early in the morning, around 5 am with a pounding head ache. She squeezed her eyes shut for moment before blinking them open again and rolling over, looking at Google as he remained in sleep mode. She sat up slowly, groaning a small bit from the pain in her head, but she ignored it and began to think of last night. The time she had spent with Dark in his room, his bed, and the way it felt. Suddenly the memory seemed so distant, barely there; she stood up and began to walk to the bathroom, feeling a strong need to pee. As she sat down, she noticed that her hips, which were very sore last night, no longer had any pain. The more she thought about it, the less she remembered the pain. The less she remember last night. She flushed then washed her hands, still trying to remember everything.
The last thing she remembers was being in the woods with Google, then Google smelled Dark's scent on her, then he had gotten rather angry. She remembered how angry he got...he was furious, his core processor had begun to overheat, making it seem like Google was smoking. He had hit her, hard, over the head which knocked her out. That's why her head was pounding. The time with Dark last night was just a dream, and a damned good one too. She sighed heavily, opening the cabinet in the bathroom and grabbing the bottle of Advil that was in there. She popped two pills into her mouth and swallowed them dry, barely even noticing the way they felt going down her throat.
She turned around at the sound of Google starting up and she walked into the bedroom again to look at him. When he was done booting up he just sat there and stared at her, basically glaring at her as if she had done the most horrible thing ever.
"I remember what happened last night. You hit me, and hard. In case you don't remember our deal, let me remind you-" was all she got to say before Google rushed over to her and back handed her hard enough to send her to the floor. She yelled out in slight pain, looking up at Google with a mixture of shock and fear in her eyes, but the way he stood over her just then made the shock completely disappear and turn into complete terror. It became rather clear to (y/n) that Google no longer cared about the deal, and something else told her that she would regret it if she said anything to Wilford. He leaned down and roughly grabbed her by her arm, jerking her up and onto her feet once more. Google tightened his grip on her arm until she was nearly in tears from the pain, and he whispered in her ear "go ahead...go tell Wilford. You'll still be trapped here with me..." His voice was deep, and soft, the anger from before seeming to have completely vanished.
   (Y/n) just shook her head, too afraid to say anything lest her sarcastic mouth get her into more trouble than she's worth. Google smiled at the fear he sensed within her, then roughly pushed her back into the bathroom.
   "Take a shower. Clean yourself, you filthy piece of shit, and get dressed in something nice. We have our monthly meeting to attend." He closed and locked the bathroom door before he walked out of the room and banged on Dark's door until he opened it. Dark just gave him a disgusted look, but let Google in his room anyway as he began to button up his dress shirt.
   "Google. What do you need?" Dark asked in monotone. He stood in front of his mirror, smiling at his reflection as he finished buttoning his shirt and began to tie a tie around his neck, under his collar. His smile faltered a small bit as he caught wind of Google-his usual smell, metallic, but mixed in was a sense of deep fear and regret. He sighed softly, ignoring it for the time being.
   "I am simply here to inform you that Anti has requested that (y/n) join our meeting. She is currently in the shower, washing herself." Google stated simply. He waited for Dark to start freaking out, yelling about how she shouldn't be there, but he didn't. He simply nodded and turned to face Google, grabbing his jacket and slipping it on before buttoning it and making sure it was straight. He smiled the tiniest smile and spoke in his usual calm and soft voice.
   "I see. How unusual for him...he usually doesn't care. No matter. By the she alright? I saw you carrying, or rather dragging, her inside last night. Perhaps you were...too rough with her?" Dark said the last sentence quietly, with a small amount of suspicion in his voice and eyes. He held back a smirk as Google faltered, and his eye twitched. Of course Dark already knew that he had begun abusing (y/n) again, but he could care less. She didn't matter. Dark took a deep breath and smiled, slowly walking up to Google until they stood eye to eye.
   "Google, my friend. Be careful with her, please. You know Wilford likes a...shall we say, clean palate? No marks, bruises or scars...until he's done with her. Agreed?" Dark noticed the twitch in Google's lips, and the undeniable relief that flickered in his eyes.
   "Yes sir, agreed. Thank you Dark." Google quickly turned and left the room, walking over to Wilford's and knocking until her answered.
   "What? What do you want?" He said in his usual drawl. Wilford's hair was messy, and he was only wearing his boxers as if he had just woken up, which he probably had. Google sighed softly, stating the same thing he had said to Dark not too long ago. Wilford just looked at him before slamming the door, obviously uncaring with what happens to the girl. Google walked back to his room slowly, in silence, then sat on the bed and waited for (y/n) to step out.

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