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kian, bobby, corey and i are on our way to the grove to watch a movie. we haven't decided on what movie but i'm voting for the new transformers one.

bobby is driving and corey in in the passengers seat while me and kian are in the back.

i'm on my phone with my legs on kians lap. he has one hand on my legs and the other is holding his phone.

"hey, thena? i have a question for you." corey randomly spoke up.

i lifted my head from my phone, "shoot."

"when are you moving in to the house?"

the question startled me a bit, "uhh, i don't know? i really don't want to cramp your style." i said, briefly glancing at kian, who hadn't said a word.

then bobby spoke, "you don't cramp our style, you basically already live with us so why not make it official?"

i was about to answer when kian let out a huge sigh, "duudee! why did you have to ask her now?" kian complained, throwing his head back.

"i was going to ask her tonight. i had everything planned and it was going to be all cute." he revealed using his hands to cover his eyes.

corey made a grimace, "sorry man, i didn't know." he apologized.

kian lowered his hands from his face and turned to face me, "now that the cat's out of the bag, do want to move in with me?"

bobby and corey cleared their throats making kian roll his eyes, "move in with us." he corrected himself.

i smiled and scooted closer to him, "i would love to."

he gave me a huge smile and leaned in to kiss me.

i smiled into the kiss and eagerly responded.

"okay, okay break it up." bobby said playfully.

one of kians hands that was on my waist, gave them the middle finger and then proceeded to lift me onto his lap so we could keep making out.


its been about a week, maybe a bit more, since kian asked me to move in. i just finished getting all my stuff inside the house and up to kians - or should i say, our room.

there wasn't much stuff to take since most of my clothes were already in the house. i sold all of my old furniture but kept my grey bean bag chair, which i put in our room.

kian and i have been dating for almost a year and honestly, i don't think there is someplace i would rather be than here and now.

i am currently at the store buying a set of hangers to hang the last pieces of clothing i have in the closet.

i was on my way to pay when someone tapped me on the shoulder.

i turned around to face two girls. i smiled at them polietly, "hi, can i help you?"

the short brunette shook her head, "we're sorry to bother you but are you athena king?" she asked nervously.

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