q & a answers

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hey loves! i know i know i was supposed to upload a smut with this but i have been soooooooooo busy lately and i haven't had time. very sorry :( but i do have q & a answers so it's fine right? i hope.
-here you go my loves ❤️
how was your birthday. how old did you turn ?
-it was great! thank u for asking. i turned 15 😂
do you have a favorite gaming youtuber and what's your favorite tøp song?
-i kinda like markiplier and guns for
hands :)
what's your favorite meme?
-i like mocking spongebob and the one of meryl streep yelling i can't remember what it's called
what's your favorite song?
-currently, either believer by imagine dragons or 1-800-273-8255 by logic :))
do you dip your fries in ice cream?
-i used to but i don't anymore.
how do you feel about dank memes?
-they're gr8
what's your favorite band other than tøp, panic! and fob?
-i like the growlers or imagine dragons
do you have a favorite youtuber?
-heath hussar :)
if you could meet anyone in the world, who?
-josh dun or heath hussar
have you ever met someone famous?
-does the pink doodlebop count?
favorite song/ tøp album ?
-guns for hands/regional at best
do you listen to cavetown?
-i don't but i'll give them a listen!!

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