Chapter 1

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"WAKE UP" my mother yelled while slamming my door open. I groaned while getting up,my body still sore from the beating last night.
I looked at her and nodded going into my small bathroom. I looked at the mirror in disgust. I had blood on my face and a black eye. I lifted up my shirt to see bruises covering my body. I moved slightly and pain soared through my body, probably a few broken ribs from either my parents or bullies but the cuts are from me.
I took my clothes of carefully and got in the shower. I flinched as the cold water hit me and sighed 'why me' I thought and continued to shower.

After my shower I put on black skinny jeans and a hoodie. Then I did my hair and brushed my teeth, slipped my black converse on grabbed my bag and opened my door.  Luckily my parents already left so I could leave unharmed. I didn't bother to eat cause I knew I would just get beat when I got back so I just opened the door and walked to school

At school

I walked through the gates and already got looks of hate and disgust from people I just brushed them off and went to my locker. I went to my locker and opened it,some girls next to me we're talking about some new kids coming "did you see them" "I know they were so fucking hot" "right!"
I just turned back around and got my stuff out my locker. Then I was slammed into it, I let out a painful groan and looked up and there he was my main bully Sean Campton and his little goons were standing there looking down at me laughing
"Hey faggot suck any dick lately" I just stayed quiet and tried to get up but they just  pushed me back down
" Answer me when I'm talking to you faggot"he growled
I didn't really care anymore it's not like this is something new so I just sat there and stared at him
"You know what maybe you just need a beating maybe then you'll talk"
He said right before he punched me in the face
My name's Dean and this is my story of how the gang leader saved me

How The Gang leader Saved Me (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now