chapter 6

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I could tell he was shocked but he slowly started to respond. He took control of the kiss, pulling me closer and I felt his tongue on my lip asking for entrance. I kept my mouth shut and he squeezed my ass hard and I gasped.

He quickly slipped his tongue in my mouth. I moaned lowly and started to move my hips and he groaned. He slowly trailed kisses down my neck. He started to suck and lick on my sweet spot and I moaned loudly. He pulled away and said "now you have my temporary mark on you so everyone knows that your mine."

I blushed and looked away slightly confused on why he wants me? Is this like a joke, is he in a bet or a dare? Or am I just over thinking. But why, I'm nothing special, just a waste of space and time. He deserves so much bett-

"DEAN!" I jumped slightly. "are you ok? You looked spaced out and upset"I didn't even know I spaced out Zander said looking worried. "Nothing just thinking. I'm fine" he just nodded. I then remembered we were still I front of the school and I was still sitting in his lap.

I blushed once again and got off his lap. He just laughed, I didn't realize it but school was over. Man did we make out for that long. I looked at the time and my eyes widened. I was supposed to be home 20 minutes ago! My beating is going to be alot worse now. Fuck. I looked at Zander and quickly said "you need to take me home now" "ok just tell me where to go" I nodded.


I said bye to Zander and ran into the house. I was immediately knocked down by the one I call father. "Where were you you useless shit!" I slightly whimpered "I was held back during School by the teacher" I said quietly.

Abuse warning

He growled and slapped me hard. "Did I tell you to speak?" I shook my head. I was crying now and he then started to beat me. He punched me in the face and kicked me in the stomach repeatedly. I just layed there and took it knowing not to panic I did NOT  want to go through this again. He started to heat the metal up. I just continued to lay there silently crying. When we thought it was hot enough he pressed it against my skin. I could practically feel my skin burning. He continued to do this until he got bored. "Next time don't be late you little bitch" he spat in disgust and walked away. I layed there for a little longer than got up and limped my way up stairs. To clean myself up and go to sleep.

Okay it's over


The next day I woke up in pain. I slightly grunted but continued anyway. I went to the bathroom and did my morning routine. I put on a big hoodie and black jeans. I put concealer on the bruises on my face, I  have a job so I can buy it on my own. I slipped on my Chuck's, my bag, and walked out the door.

When I got to school I kept my head down but didn't get any trouble like usual. I guess Zander really scared them. I smiled at that, well slightly at least. I put my stuff in my locker and got what I needed then went to class. I was the first one there like usual so I just sat down and put in my head phones.

People started to come in after a few minutes. I seen Zander walking towards me and let me tell you he was looking like a full course meal;p.   He had on ripped jeans tucked inside combat boots and a tight t shirt with a leather jacket. He sat next to me. "Hey princess" he said smilling at me "hi" I whispered shyly "did you have a good night " i remembered what happened last night but said "yeah I did how about you?" "It was good but would've been better with you in my arms." I could feel myself blush and before I could say anything  the teacher walked in ( I forgot her name) and started talking.

Sigh here we go again...


I decided to just do a like character file thing on them all probably out soon maybe after this chapter who knows but untill then goodbye

Till next time

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