Chapter 10

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Zanders pov.

After we drove away from Dean's house he looked a little nervous and appeared to be lost in his thoughts. I of course was curious as to what my baby boy was thinking so hard about. I decided to ask him about it when we get to my house. He would squeeze my hand a little tighter and his brows would furrow at certain times. But other than that his face remained the same.

We were sitting in silence, not awkward but comfortable silence with the faint sound of the radio playing in the background. My hand stayed in his for the rest of the way to my house. (He lives alone btw if I didn't mention this already) When we got to my house Dean was still all lost in thought so he didn't notice I already stopped and turned off the car.

"Baby" I said while shaking him gently.

He jumped up with a start, looking startled and confused. "Huh? W-wher.. w-what? Oh." He said confusingly. I smiled and said " Were here love." He shook his head and released my hand and got out of the car. I got out and followed him to my door. I unlocked it and let him go first. He looked around with child like eyes full of wonder. My house was pretty big but classy at the same time. "You live here all by yourself?" He asked me. "Yes I do love." "Oh wow" He walked deeper into my house and stopped in the middle of the hallway. He looked over his shoulder at me and said "show me around would ya?" I laughed and walked up to him. I took his hand in mine and started with the living room and kitchen since they were connected.

Then we went to the rooms, bathrooms, pool, movie room, and game room

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Then we went to the rooms, bathrooms, pool, movie room, and game room. The last place I showed him was my room.

When we finished the tour we layed down on my bed and cuddled

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When we finished the tour we layed down on my bed and cuddled. Dean looked at me and said "my parents left me..." I looked at him in confusion and he continued "Yesterday after you dropped me off and I went inside there was no sign of them so I checked the whole house. I thought they would come back later but they didn't. At first I was kinda sad because now I'm all alone but then I realized that they can't hurt me anymore now that they're gone." Wait "Did you say hurt?" He looked confused at first then shocked. He looked at me with wide eyes then looked back down. "My parents abused me." I barely heard what he said but caught it. His parents abused him? How could they do something like that to such a sweet innocent boy? I looked at him and seen he was crying. I pulled him to my chest and let him let it all out. "Shhhh it's ok baby, it's ok." He had my shirt in a tight hold and was pressed against me. "For how long?" I asked him. "For six years." I sighed. "Can you tell me about it?" He nodded and started off. "When I was ten, I noticed I would never really like girls and favored boys. I realized I was gay after some research and decided to tell my parents. When I told them they didn't believe me at first but when they realized I wasn't kidding my dad got up and slapped me across the face. They both started yelling at me saying I was a disgrace and faggot. From there it just all went down hill. My dad became a alcholic and my mom just didn't care. I would get beat for the smallest things and when the people at school found out, they started to bully me. I didn't think it could be worse until a few days ago." I was furious and curious now. "What happened a few days ago" I managed to get out of my clenched teeth and locked jaw. He sighed deeply and looked at me, with a tear stained face and red eyes he croaked out "My dad let his friends rape me..."

_______________( ・ั﹏・ั)________________

I am so moutha fudging sorry I took decades to update. I didn't know what to write and kept on forgetting tbh. I'll try to update wayyy faster but I honestly don't know. This is a little short but I wanted to save the rest for the next chapter. So enjoy this until then and

Till next time~

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