Chapter 14

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Dean's pov. (It's around 11am)

I pulled my daddy into the big shopping mall and was instantly attached to his side. His arm was wrapped around my waist and I was clenching his shirt. I looked around in wonder at all the different stores as we walked. I was never allowed to go anywhere except to  school and back home.

As we walked I noticed a lot of people, mostly females, starring at my daddy and that made me press closer to him. He held me tight and we went into the first store which was forever 21. I looked around and he let me loose. I picked out a few pants, hoodies, and t-shirts. The shirts and hoodies were a size or two bigger and the pants fit me perfectly. I hopped back to my daddy and seen a girl and her friends tryna talk to him. 

He looked bored and was looking at a few shirts that said baby boy on them. I bounded up to him and he looked at me and smiled. " Is that all you want babe?" He raised an eyebrow at me and I nodded quickly. He took the pile of clothes from me and I held onto his arm. The girls that were there looked shocked for some reason and I just moved on. My daddy paid for the clothes. We walked to the next store and did the same thing.

By the time we were done I had lots and lots of clothes and 1 or 2 pairs of shoes. Daddy was carrying most of the bags but let me carry the lighter ones. We walked back to his car and set everything in the trunk. We got in and drove back to the house. I was very hungry by the time we got there and I swear I could eat a whole chicken!

We unloaded the car and put everything away. By the time we were done I was hungry and a little irritated. "Daddy..." He looked at me and raised an eyebrow "I'm hunggies". He chuckled and picked me up when I raised my arms at him. "Well let's go feed that little stomach huh baby?"

He started tickling me and I giggled and started squirming away from his hands. We walked downstairs and he sat me on the couch and turned on the TV. He put on scooby-doo and gave me a coloring book and some crayons. "You stay here and wait, okay baby?" I looked up at him and smiled "okay daddy!" He ruffled my hair and walked to the kitchen to make us food.

I spent the next 30 minutes coloring, watching tv, and thinking about how things turned out. I went from being abused and mistreated to the complete opposite within a few weeks. I never thought things would play out like this. I always thought I would run away or move out after I finished highschool and never have to see my parents again. I thought it was either that or my parents killing me in the end. I would have never thought I'd meet someone like my daddy, it just seemed unreal to me.

I smiled to myself while thinking of him.
He's so sweet and perfect and nice~ I could never see him hurting anyone...

Zanders pov. ( Around 2:30pm)

How TF do I tell him I'm a gangleader and be killing bitches n shit?!

That is what I'm thinking of at the moment. I need to tell him but at the same time I don't want him to be scared of me and try to leave me. I was aggressively cutting up fruit while thinking of the best way to tell him without him freaking out to badly. He's so innocent and sweet and I don't want to ruin that somehow. I know I'll have to tell him soon, especially since I have to go and ya know, kill his parents.

I sighed to myself while putting my little bears fruit in a bowl and checking on the chicken I'm grilling. Once I seen it was done I sliced it up and put it on a bed of romaine lettuce, then I diced up some tomatoes and added them to my bowl. I drizzled some Caesar dressing on it and elegantly spread parmesan cheese on top of it.(just imagine it looks like the food in anime's)

I put our food on the table and walked to the living room to get my love. He was enraptured in his show and didn't hear me come up behind him. I walked up behind him and lifted him up and started kissing him all over his face. He screeched and start laughing while wrapping his little arms around my neck and crossing his legs on my waist.

I kissed him on his lips and he whimpered as we started to make out. After a few short minutes I pulled away and his eyes were slightly glazed over while his lips were a little puffy and pink. He nuzzled his head under my neck and squeezed me tight. I kissed his cheek and walked to the kitchen

I sat down and he turned around in my lap to look at his salad and fruit I started to feed him and myself while he sat on mah big ole soldier. When we finished eating It was 3:30 o'clock and my baby was ready for a nap. I took him upstairs and put him on the bed and took off his pants and socks. He laid down and hugged his stuffie and drifted off to sleep. I kissed his forehead and walked out of the room.

I took my phone out and called Jace. " Get the boys ready, were going hunting" he laughed and replied, " you got it man, we'll be there soon" I made a sound of agreement and hung up the phone. I went back inside my room and changed into darker clothes. I wrote my babe a note incase he wakes up before I get back.

I walked out of the house just as they were pulling up. I hopped in the passenger seat and we left. " Okay we're going to retrieve two people, one male and one female, in their 40s and they are to be brought out alive. We're going to bring them to the house and I'll deal with them alright?" Everyone made sounds of agreement and we drove for about 20 minutes to where the couple resided. We pulled up to the hotel they were staying at and parked relatively close. "Make it quick and silent boys" they all nodded and got out the car. I watched them walk to room the two stayed in and unlocked the door, a few of them walked in and the others stayed outside on watch. About 7 minutes later they emerged carrying two knocked out people and hurried back to the car.

They filed in and put them on the floor. We drove off and I looked at the bitches on the floor.

They're going to regret hurting my baby.

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