Chapter 9: Senses

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After that Saturday spent at the coffee shop I wish I could say things changed, but no, they didn't. Every lit class was always the same; Professor Ackerman lectured, we listened while taking notes, and he'd dump the usual homework load on us. Marco, Jean, Connie, and I would all meet up after our second classes and do the homework, then we'd chat for a bit before our group disbursed. Then Marco and I would trot over to biology class where Hanji would practically droll over whatever it was she was teaching that day. After that, Marco would say his farewells and book it to economics while I moseyed my way home. I didn't see Professor Ackerman outside of class, so I was never presented with the opportunity to call him what I wanted to; Levi.

Sure, I thought about calling him 'shrimp', but he was taller than me, so that wouldn't have meant much. I also thought about 'sir', but that was so formal. I wanted it to be casual and a little more personal. After all, he had a nickname for me. Mooi...whatever the hell that meant. I didn't know if he was insulting me when he came up with that name or complimenting me. Either way, it was better than 'brat' or 'shitty glasses point two'...definitely better than 'shitty glasses point two'. Hell, anything was better than that.

I scribbled a doodle in my notebook and glanced out the window to across the street at my apartment. I had found myself at the Armored Café once again on that particular Wednesday evening. It had been about two weeks since I last stepped foot in there. I had been working on the remains of my homework at my place when I grew frustrated. So, I packed up all my study materials and migrated to the café, needing its comfort. Something about the atmosphere there felt soothing, calming even. It was like I could find my center. At that time, I needed to rediscover my center. I was feeling so out of it.

The scent of my black tea flooded into my nose, swirling with the books' perfume. The old rustic charm was as peaceful as ever. A few customers sat in several locations, all in pairs or groups of three to four. Their hums were all quiet and muffled as they conversed, none paying any mind to me. I sat at the same table and in the same chair as my first visit, my body having marched to it as soon as I paid for my order. I couldn't tell you why, but that nook meant something to me.

I took a sip of my steaming tea when the smell of lavender overtook my nose abruptly. My eyes darted up, meeting those familiar steel orbs. Professor Ackerman stood there, glaring down at me like usual, his cup of tea in one hand and a plate with a blueberry muffin in the other with his book tucked under one of his arms, his jacket flung over one of his shoulders as usual. His face was...calm. He didn't look happy, but he didn't look pissed off either.

"I'm gonna join you," he declared, placing his belongings down onto the table as his body slid into the seat.

I watched as he situated himself, each movement he made drawing his sweet scent closer to me. I had to command myself not to press my face into his shirt and inhale him. To be honest, I was growing slightly attached to his aroma. It was like the missing ingredient when I was in the shop. It was as if I needed to know he was there. But why?

He took a sip of his tea and met my stare, noticing my gaze was locked on him. He lifted an eyebrow and looked around before lowering his tea, asking, "What?"

I shook my head, "Nothing."

"Then why are you staring at me?" he pressed on, resting his chin on his now laced fingers.

That was a good question. Why was I staring at him? Yes, I liked the way he smelled, but that was my sense of smell, not my vision. Why couldn't I just glance away and look elsewhere when he sat down? Why did my eyes remain glued on him? Just, why?

Before I could speak, a shiver ran down mine spine, raising goosebumps on my arms. I hadn't even noticed how cold the shop was. It hadn't even crossed my mind, with it being late summer and all. Professor Ackerman noticed and twisted his body. I watched as he pulled his jacket out from behind himself and thrust it at me.

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