Chapter two

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Cassandra's POV
As I walk out the door with my sister Kelsey I see Isabelle's gorgeous white Mercedes pulling up, oh I love her car so much, I have a BMW 1 series but it's still got nothing on her Mercedes.

Me and Kelsey quickly jump in the car, with me riding shot gun
We say our hello's to Isabelle and then she pulls off.
Off to school we go.

Kelsey's POV

As we arrive at the school I notice a lot of new faces and all those faces seem to be looking our way, why is everybody looking at us for I keep thinking to myself.

As we walk in to the building we quickly run to our lockers, fortunately for us they weren't that far apart, we get our books out of our lockers and we quickly head to class, me and Isabelle have the same class now which is maths but Cassandra has art so she has to leave us.

Me and Isabelle quickly walk to class and grab our seats, even though we are nerds we hate sitting at the front, so we take our seats up the back and get our stuff ready for the lesson to begin.
As we are sorting out stuff out the one and only queen bitch decides to walk in
I look at Isabelle and whisper
Oh look queen bitch is here.
Isabelle just laughs but it got us a bit of attention because she laughed a bit to loud.
I try to stop her from laughing but nothing works, when she does stop laughing she notices how much attention we got from it and she hid herself in her book quickly.

Just to our luck though queen bitch and her tag alongs decided to come up to us, you see we call her queen bitch because she thinks she rules the school and she is actually a bitch but her real name is rosealie and her two little tag along a names are carys and josie.

Josie used to be one of us until she grew a pair of tits and thought she was perfect, shame really because she was a nice girl until she started sleeping with every boy in the school and got herself a reputation.

Rosealie looked at isabelle and said what are you laughing at your little nerd.
Isabelle looked up and I could see that she was trying to hold back her mouth but she couldn't.
Isabelle replied with it's none of your god damn business bitch.
Everyone in class was shocked to see Isabelle answer back , hell even I was but next thing you knew everything happened so quickly
Rosealie slapped Isabelle in the face, you see Isabelle is tough she will just laugh it off if it was anyone else but because is rosealie I can see this ending bad .

Isabelle quickly recovered and looked at rosealie with such a horrible death glare before Isabelle could say anything rosealie jumped in saying what going to go cry to mummy and daddy now .
Then that just ticked Isabelle off she went in on rosealie within seconds she was punching after punching and just wouldn't stop, the whole class was shocked to say the least.
Just as everyone was about to gather around the door opened and in walked Xavier in all his mighty he seemed clueless at first but when he noticed what was going on he ran over and dragged isabelle off rosealie.

Soon as rosealie noticed who helped she ran into his arms saying thankyou oh my god she is such a psycho she just went in on me for no reason I only asked her for a pencil you know because she's a nerd and I thought she would have one.
Isabelle just stood there and laughed, I mean really laughed the looked at rosealie and said hunny you think that was me being a psycho then you have got another thing coming for you, just remember I may be a nerd but I ain't taking your shit anymore.
And with that she sat down and waited for the teacher to arrive.

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