Chapter nine

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Isabelle's POV
I pulled him by his ear all the way down to his friends, when they saw what was happening they all couldn't stop laughing and what made it even better what that Jace noticed his member standing as well.

When they all stopped laughing they then asked what happened I explained leaving little bits out, then they all started laughing again, Xavier was the colour of a beetroot it was so funny to watch.

Xavier came up to me and said well you best watch missy because you will want this one day, I replied back oh hunny in your dreams I don't go for players, he then shouted then why did you go for brad, I looked at him and said it was a long time ago, well before he knew you, he wasn't like that then, and he just said yeah right course he wasn't.
I walked up to him and said well Hunny If you ever wanted this (pointing to my self and body) then you have just lost all chances and walked out.
After a while everybody left.

Cassandras POV

Oh my god i have never laughed so much in all my life, when izzy had Xavier by his ear dragging him down the stairs, it was so funny and then when I saw his member poking out his trousers aswel that just made it better.
Well atleast he will know not to mess with my bestfriend again.
Oh how I love that girl.

When everyone left I stayed behind to check if izzy was ok.
She was so pissed earlier when my sister and Brad was all over each other, I honestly can't say I blame her, I would be aswel.
But what I still can't get over is that she lost her virginity to him, I thought she was into uh never mind.

Isabelle's pov
I noticed cassandra stayed behind, well I guess this is going to be fun.
When she checked that I was ok, she went up to my room.
Well guessing she's going for a shower.
She seemed so pissed earlier when she found out about Brad, I really didn't want to tell her that way, but I was just so angry that it all just came out.

After a while I went up to check on her, hmm she left the bathroom door open guess she's out now then, when I walked in I caught her just in time, to see her turn around naked, oh god, last time I seen her like this it was so awkward.

Cassandras POV
Isabelle walked in and saw me naked, well it's not the first time , let's see if she's still in to this stuff shall we.
I walked over to her and grabbed her face she looked a bit shocked but recovered as soon as she realised what was happening.
She leaned in and started kissing my neck oh how I love that she finds my sweet spot straight away.
You see we are interested in boys but we do like to have a bit of fun with each other aswel.
When she was sucking on my sweet spot I couldn't handle it, I wanted her naked aswel I lightly pulled her top up so she moved and took it off, then her trousers came off and then everything else followed.

Well this is gonna be a fun night, she grabbed hold of me and pulled me to her bed, she slowly made her way down my breasts and got lower and lower until she was right by my clit, she knew this would tease me, I grabbed her head and pushed it on to my clit, next thing I know is that she's licking me and oh it feels amazing she pushes a finger in me while licking me and she gets a rhythm going.
I can feel myself getting so close, then all of a sudden she stops, she knew I was close aswel, she drags her self up on to me and rubs herself against me, so I toss her over and start licking her, when she's close aswel I stop.  I rub myself against her aswel and we get a rhythm going that we both enjoy where our clits are rubbing each other it feels so good that we both cum.

You see this is a normal thing for us, to keep us occupied until we actually settle down in a relationship, we only do it with each other,  no other girls, eh I don't find any other girl attractive except for izzy.

Before you know it we are both jumping in the shower then getting shorts and a top on and going to sleep.

Just before i fall asleep I hear izzy say, I think that's the best We have ever done it.

And I go to sleep smiling.

Best get some sleep for college tomorrow.

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