Chapter six

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Isabelle's POV
After brad kissed me yesterday he left pretty quickly we still didn't talk about it but something in me is telling me he didn't want to talk he wanted something else, which isn't happening.

I go have a shower and get ready for college I think I'm going to wear a skirt today, I pick out my blue top and my black skater skirt, and my doctor martins , i do my makeup only lightly though as I don't wear much anyway just a bit of foundation mascara and lipgloss put my glasses on and leave my hair natural.

I go to the kitchen grab and apple and head out to my baby (my car) I drive straight to school as Cassandra is driving herself and Kelsey to college today.

When I get to school Kelsey and Cassandra are already there I meet up with them and we go to our lockers, the girls have dressed up aswel today, Kelsey's wearing her purple dress with her doc martins and Cassandra is wearing her black high waisted shorts with her red top tucked in and her docs to.

As we are walking to class we bump in to the 5 musketeers, oh great I'm thinking to myself.

As I look up brad is already looking at me I quickly walk past them and put my head down, Kelsey and Cassandra seem to notice me putting my head down because all the way to our lesson they kept asking me what's wrong, in the end I give up and tell them i will tell them at lunch, gives me time to ease myself before they start screaming and shouting.

Lessons flew by today and before I knew it, it was lunch.

Kelsey's POV

I can't wait to find out the gossip, I wonder what happened, aw well time to find out we all enter the canteen and go to the lunch line to grab some food, we all just grab some fries and head to our table.

When we are sat down I look at izzy and say so tell us the gossip then!!
Izzy puts her head down and quickly says brad came to mine last night and kissed me
Me and Cassandra look at eachother and start cheering and shouting no way how tell us more!!
Izzy said that's all really we had pizza then he kissed me then he left afterwards it was so awkward.
As we started shouting again I looked up and noticed everyone was looking at us we didn't realise how loud we was,
Shit this isn't good, we don't want the attention we all quite down and talk quietly.

Next thing we know is our table becomes very full we look around and the 5 boys are sat with us, brad is starring at izzy and she's looking anywhere but him.

I nudge her and ask her if she's okay
She just nods and puts her head on the table, Xavier over heard us and nudged me to see what was wrong I looked at brad and said nothings wrong why would you think that.

I looked at izzy and she was standing up to leave, poor girl hates the attention more than me.

Xavier's POV
I look at what's her name again damn I really need to ask her and then ask her friend I think her names Kelsey what's wrong with her, I see Kelsey look behind me and look at brad, but she just try's to change the subject.

Hmm why did she look at brad before I really want to know I'll ask him later,
I look up at her again and see she's getting up to walk off I quickly stand up aswel and follow her, as she leaves the canteen I grabbed her and spun her around she shouted get off me brad!!
Thinking it was brad why would she think it's brad?
She looks at me and say oh sorry thought you was someone else now what do you want?
I look at her and say umm just checking if your ok? And also I've meaning to ask you what's your name?
She looked at me and shook her head I'm fine and walked off.
I shouted to her what about your name?
She shouted find out your own way.

Well she's feisty.

I go back to the canteen to see the boys and her two friends well what great friends they are not even going after her.
The girls are laughing cassandras laughing at Cole and Kelsey's laughing at brad, wait what brad, I thought there was something going on between him and the other girl not him and Kelsey, awh well I'll speak to him later.

I go and sit on the table and brad looks at me and gives me the worst look ever what did I do.

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