Chapter three

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Xavier's POV
Wow that's all I can say.
I didn't expect the nerd to be fighting with rosealie and better yet didn't expect her to be so confident.
I can't wait to tell the boys what I witnessed they will be gutted especially cole he loves seeing girls fight even if it is a nerd and a hottie.

I then realised I was still holding rosealie I quickly pushed her off me and walked to my table and just looked at the nerd, thinking she is pretty badass for doing that.

I didn't realise I was starring that long until she looked around and noticed me, she frowned then faced the front well I didn't expect that.

After class I quickly escaped and found the boys to tell them what happened, see the problem was I didn't know the nerds name so every time we went passed a nerd then they kept asking is that her. Why do I bother telling them things

Before I knew it, it was lunch, I wanted to go for a smoke but the boys where more keen on looking for the nerd to see if she's hot, she really isn't in my eyes well she's alright but still nothing on most of the other girls in this school.

I searched he canteen and found her I pointed her out to the boys, when I looked at her she didn't have those big horrible glasses on and without them she looked pretty hot, soon as I realised what the boys where doing I tried stopping them but there was no point.
The boys walked over to there table, cole sat down next to the nerd that had a fight I really need to find out her name and Jace sat the other side of her while brad and Blake sat by the other girls that was at her table I just stood there looking hot like always.

The nerd looked to her left then her right and said what do you guys want? I'm not going to have sex with you idiots so run along I'm pretty sure rosealie and her minions will do it now bye.
Cole just looked at me and winked he put his arm around her and whispered something in her ear she looked at him really angry then looked at me and stormed out of the canteen.
Oh shit what did Cole say now.
The other two girls quickly followed behind and so did brad and blake so me Jace and Cole stood up and followed aswel.
Well may aswel have a little fun with this I suppose.

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