Chapter eight

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Isabelle's POV
I'm so sick and tired of watching brad and Kelsey all over each other it's come to the point where I'm going to go mad if they carry on.
I look over to the other side and see Cassandra having a cuddle with Cole,they actually really suit each other , I'll have to speak to her about that later.

I seriously can't take no more I storm over to Kelsey and grab her off to the side, she shouts at me and says what you doing?!?!
I answer with me?! Really your the one being sly, your supposed to be my best friend Kelsey? Yet your going off with the guy that came to my house and kissed me and the same guy that I lost my virginity too a few years ago?! How can you be so god damn sly, get out of my house now and never speak to me again.
Kelsey's face drops, she says you lost your virginity to him?
Shit I forgot no one knows.
I just nodded and said to her get out now, when she was walking away I shouted to her oh by the way kels take your side kick with you as well I don't want him in my house.
Everybody was just starring at me, brad tried talking to me and tried apologising I just told him to get out and never come back, he then shouted while walking out, I will always have feelings for you izzy.
I just looked at him and said, well I will never have feelings for you brad never again.

After they left everyone was still starring at me, I looked at them and said what? Yes you all know the truth now! Little quiet Isabelle isn't so god damn quiet or innocent at all! Got a problem with it then leave.

Nobody stood up they all just came up to me and hugged me
Eh I just looked at them like they where stupid why are they hugging me?

Xavier is just stood there he's the only one who didn't hug me thank god for that though, it was weird enough with everyone else but he just kept starring at me I looked at him and raised my eyebrow he just smirked at me but his face still went back to shock, I then noticed him checking me out, ergh I seriously need to go get some clothes on because this bikini isn't helping me at all.

As I was walking out Xavier stopped me asking where I was going I said somewhere your not and just carried on walking, I knew he was following me because I could hear his footsteps I then turned around and he asked me again so i replied I'm going to get dressed so I don't have eyes raking my body, Xavier just frowned and carried on following me before I knew it he was in my room with me, I just gave up and thought well this is one way to wined the bad boy up.

I walked over to him as he was sat on my bed,I pushed him down on the bed and he looked shocked and excited, I leaned over him so I was basically straddling him and whispered in his ear get out of my room now before I hurt you.
His face was a picture I have never laughed so much in my life, he stood up  and he was fidgeting a bit I then looked at him and realised he needed to sort himself out so i looked him in the eye and pointed he followed where I was pointing and went a shade of red, I walked off laughing got a change of clothes and jumped in my shower, when I walked out he was still on my bed, I only had a towel on because I remembered I forgot to get my underwear i quickly ran to my draw to get my underwear.
When I turned around Xavier was stood right there next to me he looked at me and said your playing a very dangerous game here Isabelle he gripped hold of me and pulled me closer, I squeaked and tried to move from him but he just held me closer.
He leaned down and tried to kiss me but I moved my head and managed to get away but soon as I got away he grabbed hold of my towel and pulled it off me, I panicked and ran into the bathroom as quick as I could and got dressed, I was not impressed with him at all.

Xavier's POV
Shit shit shit
What did I do, still she started it, she got me turned on, she is feisty and clever though I liked that little stunt that she made it was hot!!
When she came out of the shower in her towel though I couldn't help myself she is so hot her figure is just wow, when I tried to kiss her and she turned away I was quite gutted but I'll get her it's all good.
When I pulled her towel off her I felt so bad but oh my I have never got turned on so much her body is unreal.
I don't know what I'm going to do now with this member standing his ground.
Guess I'll have to see if she will help, I doubt she will though, she's so innocent well sort of.
When she walked out the bathroom she looked so pissed off, well looks like my help is out of the picture, she stormed over to me grabbed me by the ear and dragged me out of her bedroom.
Shit she is tough.
I'm just glad none of the boys saw this because they would never let me live this down.

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