Chapter five

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Isabelle's POV
After school that day I couldn't wait to get home, I had so much on my mind what If the secret came out, It would ruin me, I don't need people looking at me like that, I don't want attention I hate the attention, I loved it when I was younger but it just ruins your life, I don't want it oh god help me.

Later on that day I had a shower got a pair of shorts on and a tank top and sat on the sofa watching NCIS , I love this programme. While watching it I ordered some pizza mmm got to love pizza.
After a while the door knocked so I went to answer it thinking it would be the pizza delivery guy but when I looked it wasn't, it was Brad oh dear god help me not again, what do you want brad I asked.
He walked In my house uninvited may I say and he looked at me and just hugged me, he didn't let go, I remember when this happened before and I had all those weird feelings come back, I pushed brad of and he looked at me and said we need to talk, just as we was about to sit down the door knocked again, I got up followed by brad and opened the door, it was the pizza but I wasn't expecting the delivery guy to be Cole, shit I though I tried pushing brad away to hide him but it was to late cole saw him.
I paid for the pizza and Cole spoke to brad asking what he was doing here. Brad didn't respond so I quickly said art project,not even knowing I'd brad done art I know he used to but not sure If he still does.

Cole just nodded and left, after that we closed the door and sat down on the sofa, I offered brad some pizza and he happily agreed and took some, he looked at the tele and said you still like this show aye, I replied laughing saying yes of course I do remember when we used to rush home just to watch it all the time .
He laughed along with me, then he looked at me seriously saying we really need to talk now Bella.
Brad is the only one that calls me Bella and every time he calls me I get nervous, I really don't know why though.

Brads POV
This is the time now to talk to her, tell her how it really is, but how do I say it? She's been in most of my life it will just be weird.
The way she's looking at me is so adorable, I don't know why I ever hurt her, she was so innocent well she still is sort of, I don't think she ever told anyone because she didn't want the attention, but one person did know because she was close with us too and she nearly ruined Bella with it.

With Bella looking at me I just leaned in a bit I couldn't help it she still means a lot to me, before I knew it I kissed her, she seemed shocked but kissed back, until I think she realised what she was doing and she pushed me away.

She's just so beautiful.

Isabelle's POV
Why why why did I kiss him back that was a big mistake, he was bestfriends with my brother well before the accident happened, this is just so wrong I let this happen before and it all happened to quickly and one thing just led to another, then she found out and tried ruining everything for me and well she did because she succeeded.

I'm just looking at brad shocked I can't move or speak, I don't see him in that way anymore what happened before was a one time thing, that was never meant to happen.
Oh god

But he's so gorgeous.

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