Chapter 2|| An Escape

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"Mal? Evie? You there?" You knocked on their dorm door. You needed advice.

"Come in." Opening the door, you saw Mal laying on her bed flipping through her spellbook. "Oh hey, Y/N, what do you want?" She asked, not looking up. Mal and you were half-sisters, both daughters of Hades. That's how the two of you bonded, his awful parenting.

"Is Evie here?" Mal shook her head. "Good. Can we talk?" She gestured to her bed for you to sit and sat up. "Is it bad that I want to go back to the Isle?" Her eyes lit up. "Not that it's not good here, but I don't belong here. I'm not good. I use my powers for my personal gain. Everyone wants me to be good."

"I want to go back. I was planning on doing it soon." Mal tucked her blonde and purple hair behind her ear. "All the interviews,  appointments, I can't take it." You grabbed her for a hug. You felt her tears running down your back. She pulled back and wiped her face. You shot her a small smile. Mal returned it.

"When do you want to go? I'm ready when you are."  You stood from the bed.

"Tonight. Let's go tonight. Meet me here at 9:00."  You nodded in agreement. You glanced at the clock. It read 1:00, 8 hours until you leave.


"Hey, Jane? What time is it?" You asked from your bed.

"7:40," Jane shouted.

"Ok, thanks!" 1 hour and 20 minutes. You had to get ready.  Walking into the bathroom, you looked to the mirror. You didn't recognize the person you saw. Unable to look at yourself anymore, you left the bathroom and went to your closet. A small backpack caught your eye.  You found different jackets, shirts, and pants and tossed them into your bag. You found an outfit to wear today. Pink leather jacket, black shirt and pants, black shoes. Classic you.

You looked at the clock. Only minutes before your life would return to normal. Putting the backpack on, you quietly snuck out of your dorm room.


"Hey, you look good. More like yourself. I like." Mal commented as you neared her scooter.

"Thanks, you too." Mal shot you a nervous smile. "We'll be fine, let's go, ok?" The two of you mounted her scooter and she said the spell. She revved the engine and you started going. Unsure of how well it would work, you kept your eyes closed. You opened one eye and saw that you two had shot through the barrier. You did it.

"Boy, it feels good to be home." Mal sighed as you two dismounted her scooter. You nodded, breathing it all in. "Where do you want to go first?" She asked, eager to go back to normal.

"Your hair, it's too Auradon." You gestured at the blonde. She only laughed.

"Have you seen your hair recently? I think we need a makeover." Mal smirked, grabbing your arm and starting to run. This is going to be fun.


A/N also edited. You're welcome.

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