Chapter 8|| A Tour

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It felt weird to thank Harry, he's almost killed me twice. Yet he helped me breathe when I couldn't. Why didn't he just let me die? I didn't know what time it was, but it was getting really hot. Harry was untying me but he was sweating. He ripped of his red leather jacket. He still had a ripped white shirt on and brown pants. Harry also took off his pirate hat and his dark brown hair swept his face.

"I'm almost done. Don't try anything." Harry was at my ribs, only a few more rotations and I was free. My hands were still tied together so I couldn't hit him.

"Fine, I guess." Just as I replied my stomach loudly growled. The hunger was getting to me, but food was the least of my problems.

"Seems like you could use some food, let's fix that." Harry grabbed me by the arm and pushed me in front of him.

"Where am I going?" I stopped before going down the stairs of the ship.

"I'll tell ye just go down the stairs." Harry poked me in the back. I hopped down the creaky stairs, making as much noise as possible. Harry sighed behind me. "Make a left right here." I made the left turn. "Keep going straight." He must think I'm dumb. "And take a right, here is our destination." We made it into Ursula's Fish and Chips.

"Whoa, that's pretty cool. You can get here from your ship. Neat." Harry pushed me to a table and gestured for me to sit. "I don't need to eat. Like some torture thing or something? I don't know I've never imprisoned anyone." He rolled his eyes as I sat. Harry grabbed my arms and cut the rope. He tucked the knife in his waistband.

"We can't imprison ye if yer dead, can we?" Harry signaled for Gil to bring food over. Gil set the tray down and just stood there. "What're ye standing there for? Get her a drink." Harry shoved him back to the kitchen. Seconds later he returned with something pink in a tall glass. Gil stood waiting for his next instructions. "Ye can leave now." Gil walked off.

"Why are you so mean to him?" I asked, not touching the food.

"Does that really matter? Eat your food." Harry pushed the tray of fish and chips closer to me.

"Why should I? What if you poisoned it? Boy I hope so." I grab a piece of fish and take a bite. Nothing tasted poisonous which made me frown.

"What? Isn't it good?" Harry turned to get something else.

"Hey, no! Its like really good." I stopped him. He let out a sigh of relief. I had almost finished my food and then I became full.

"Drink up, we have things to do." Harry leaned back in his chair. I eyed the drink I was given. It was pink and it looked carbonated. "We haven't poisoned ye, just drink it." His eyes were closed. I took a small sip and recognized what it was.

"I hate you. Strawberry goddamn soda." Harry only chuckled. "First you call me strawberry now you give me strawberry flavored things." I giggled. I chugged the rest. "When am I getting the grand tour?" Harry stood up and extended his hand.

"Now, get up." I gently placed my hand on his, not wanting to upset him. He took my hand in his and we were off. We left the same way we entered the restaurant. Harry showed me the kitchen, rooms and other places. Last he showed me the armory. "You and I will be spending quite a bit of time here." I looked around at all the different things. Tracing my fingers on some of them I hear him shout. "No touching!" I backed up so I was in the middle of the room. "Last room." Harry pulled me into the room I've been staying in.

"I didn't need a tour of this room." A sudden wave of exhaustion hit me.

"It finally came into affect." Harry mumbled. "Sit on the bed." I did as he said. "Ok gotta take yer makeup off." I looked up to him grabbing something and putting it on my face. He used his other hand to pull my head closer to him. It felt like he got it all off. "There ye are." My eyes were barely open. Harry helped me lay down next to him. I felt his arms wrap around me. The last thing I heard was "Goodnight"


A/N yo some of this chapter was  deleted!! so I had to fix it, it isn't the same but what can I do? Hi ily bye

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