Chapter 21|| Threats

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Soon, the trio of creeps came back in. They all seemed to be holding something. Hunter had a metal pipe in his hands. He set it down on the ground and ran over to me. My arms were held behind my back as he shoved me forwards. I was pushed into the chair. My arms were violently tied behind the chair. I let out an exasperated sigh.

"Shut up, we don't want to ruin that beautiful face of yours, do we?" Ron shushed me. Rolling my eyes, Kaden went to unbutton my jeans. I swung my legs out trying to kick him away. He pulled out a knife and held it next to my stomach. I stopped kicking. My pants were unzipped and pulled off of me. Kaden used the knife to cut the bandages off of me. Here I was, a girl in only a bra and panties, what could go wrong.

"It's a bit chilly in here, can I get a jacket or a blanket?" I innocently asked.

"Why would we want to cover you up?" Kaden had a smirk while looking me up and down.

"Leave more to the imagination?" I suggested. The guys scoffed and shook their heads.

"You forgot a bandage." Hunter pointed to my thumb. Oh lord help me now. It should be healed enough by now, but who knows? Kaden sliced it off, leaving a small cut on my thumb.

"So what's on the agenda for today, boys?" I looked to the three that were staring at me.

"Fun stuff, for us at least." Ron snickered. The other two joined in.

"What? Are y'all going bowling or something?" I loved watching their expressions turn into annoyance. Hopefully I was stalling, all the things that could happen were rushing through my head.

"Are you sure Harry's gonna want her back?" Hunter whispered to the other two.

"Of course he will you idiot. She's his little plaything. The only pretty one here. I'm sure he can't keep it in his pants for much longer." Ron smacked Hunter on the back of his head. They had everything wrong about Harry and I, but why would I tell them that? It'd probably make everything worse.

"Kaden, you're up." Ron stated, pulling Hunter by the arm. Kaden licked his lips while still staring at me. The door closed, it was only the two of us.

"What to do, what to do." He mumbled.

"We could play a board game." I recommended. Kadens jaw clenched.

"I was thinking about having my way with you." When he proposed that, I gagged. He started to remove his pants. No matter what I did, there was no way to stop what was happening.

"Wait do you have protection? I am not having a baby." Kaden rolled his eyes and nodded.

"I think they'd kill me if I got you pregnant."

"I'd really rather not do this." I tried to move away while he moved closer. Hyperventilating, I saw him only get close. "Please don't do this." I whispered.

"I've got the solution to that." Kaden pulled out a rag, similar to the one before. Deciding to get it over with, I inhaled. With blurry vision, my consciousness escaped me.


My eyes shot open. I had remembered everything that had happened before I passed out. I knew what most likely had happened, I just don't know how many times. Those creeps actually did it. Even though we're on the Isle, they should be someplace worse. Looking down, I saw my underwear barely on me. It was like an afterthought. My bra straps were off of my shoulders.

"The lady of the hour has finally awakened." Ron announced making the other two chuckle.

"How long was I out for?" I mumbled still waking up.

"Long enough, dearie." Ronald started laughing himself. I shuddered at the thought. As I did, my hips started to hurt, I saw bruises on my thighs and waist. My stomach growled, I don't know how many days it has been since I had eaten. "Wow, you seem like you would want some food." I nodded, looking down. No way would I give them the satisfaction of looking them in the eye.

"Well you look like you could stand to lose a
few pounds." Kaden laughed

"Pardon me?" Whispering, I still kept my head down. Everything that they were saying made it worse. I started shaking and hyperventilating again. I didn't want these assholes to know they got to me, but they did.

"You aren't the skinniest girl on the island." Ron muttered looking me up and down.

"You three are the ugliest on the island." I shot back. They all drew their weapons. Hunter had his pipe, Kaden had the knife, and Ron had a gun. I winced, I would rather them beat me up then anything else.

"I'd watch your mouth if I was you." Kaden threatened.

"Uh oh, looks like you aren't me." I rolled my eyes. The gun was against my forehead, the knife against my stomach, and the pipe was pulled back ready to hit me. I yelped. "You aren't going to kill me, I'm not that dumb." I declared.

"And why wouldn't we do that?" Ron asked innocently.

"Why would Harry give you anything if he wasn't positive I'm alive? Duh." I tried to sound nonchalant but my voice was cracking. The three looked at each other and moved their weapons. The gun was at my shoulder, the knife at my knee, and the pipe was still waiting to be swung.

"Wow you must be really hot in order for Harry to still play with you." Kaden groaned. The fact that they think that's all I'm around for is sickening.

"Or she lets him do whatever he wants." Hunter added. The other two nodded. I hated all the things that fell out of their mouths.

"And that's why Harry's gonna be pissed when he finds y'all." I interrupted, going along with what they said.

"Why don't you treat us like Harry?" Ron complained. The three gave puppy dog eyes.

"Because he is way hotter than you guys, like way way more." I chuckled. The three got looks of anger. I realized that what I said was going to make them do things even worse than before. Tears fell out of my eyes. 'Not again' I thought.

"I will shoot you." Ronald growled. "One more comment and your shot." I shrugged and kept my mouth closed. I wish Harry would come back. The three started to take off their pants.

"Wait, what's happening?" I quickly questioned. I did not like what was happening. More tears fell out of my eyes. "Please no. I'll do anything just don't do this." I whispered trying to get them to listen to reason.

"Baby, we're just trying to get what Harry gets." Kaden fumbled to get his pants off.

"Sarcastic comments and tears? Can do." As soon as the words rolled off my tongue, the gun was back at my shoulder. I gulped and tried to make myself stop crying.

"Tape her mouth, we don't want passerbys getting curious." Ron snarled to one of the others. My mouth was then taped shut. I heard a gunshot and felt an enormous pain in my right shoulder. I tried to scream in pain but nothing came out. The asshole had actually shot me.


A/N rip. Sorry for such few updates, school just started, I got softball, I'm doing things for yearbook. Will update as much as possible, love y'all 💋

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