Chapter 7|| A Fight

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You woke up to somebody grabbing you by the arm and dragging you out of bed. It was Harry. You struggled and pulled, but it didn't help much.

"Wonderful alarm clock. This place should get a five star in hospitality." You grumbled as the two of you walked onto the main deck of the ship. 

"You talk too much." Harry shoved you against a large wooden pole. He snapped his fingers and one of his crewmates came running with a long rope. "Be nice." He growled as he started to tie you to the pole.

"When have any of us ever been nice?" You realized that he could actually kill your friends, so you decided not to struggle too much. Harry rolled his eyes as he kept going. Deciding to test the waters, you pulled against your restraints.

"Keep doing that, I dare you." 

"What, you'll kill my friends? You'll kill me? Seems like you wouldn't do anything without Uma's permission." You noticed he followed Uma's beck and call. Even Mal called him out on it.

"I don't ask permission. I can do whatever I damn well please." His voice was laced with anger. You were pushing his buttons. Harry kept going with the rope. From your knees to your shoulders you were unable to move. "I did some research." He was changing the subject, but you knew you would pull that string another time.


"Turns out your ma never lived here. She's been in Auradon for quite a while." Harry leaned forward, trying to catch you in a lie. 

"Yeah, my dad is supposedly bad, my mom is supposedly good. Dad wasn't the greatest, but only being with the souls of the dead would do that to a person. You know the myth. He found a beautiful woman and fell in love with her. She fell in love with him, but without her, there was only winter. She had to leave the underworld. That was when the villains and heroes were separated. Mom got pregnant with me, but the King forced her to give me up. They were scared of me, even when I was a baby. Persephone was only allowed to visit once a year. That's why she's never lived here." You liked the supposed myth, it was a beautiful love story about opposites attracting. Your father wasn't bad per se. He just did not know how to raise a goddess while co-parenting another child. 

"I never knew that. Then again, you don't learn much around here." Harry wasn't technically wrong, but the Isle did have its teachings. Just about everyone could fight, pick-pocket, or sneak around undetected. You heard footsteps approaching and saw Gil.

"Hey Y/N, hope you're having a good time," You didn't know how to feel about his compassion. "Harry, I've got word they'll be here soon." You saw another pirate drag Ben to the main deck all tied up. The two of you locked eyes. He looked surprised to see you tied up, you could practically feel his concern. If you hadn't gotten out, how would he?

"Stand with him on the plank, remember you might have to push him." Harry ordered Gil. He turned to the rest of the crew that had gathered. "The rest of you, get ready for a fight." He turned on his heels back to you. "You ready?"

"Oh boy, am I? Why does it even matter? Thought I was staying." Your voice was dripping with sarcasm.

"Can't leave you out of their sight, they'll go looking for you. And I'm not wasting a part of my crew to make sure you don't escape." He put his hand on the pole.

"It's cute that you think I need a babysitter." You glared into his eyes. He held your stare.

"We don't want anybody taking you, now do we?" Harry asked.

"That would be preferable," You spat. Like hell, you were going to make holding you hostage easy. Harry clenched his jaw, not appreciating your tone. You cocked your head, taunting him. You looked to your side. "They're here."

"Welcome back!" Uma shouted, making the pirates cheer. "Give us the wand." She extended her hand for it. Harry stood in front of you, not wanting you to see.

"Not before you give us our friends." Mal demanded. The rest of the group cheered in agreement.

"You know I can't give you both. The deal was you give me the wand and she stays. I can give you Ben but not the girl." Harry turned around, cocking his head, taunting you this time.

"Give us Ben." Mal demanded. Harry moved a little bit so that you could see Uma's victory.

"Switch on 3," Uma ordered. Together they counted "1......2....3!" Both shoved their item to trade with the other. Ben and Mal hugged, reunited at last. Uma tried to chant a spell but nothing happened. "You traitor!" Your friends and the pirates pulled out swords, Harry pulled out his hook and sword. You thought Harry would be out there fighting with his crew, but he stood by you.

"Y/N are you alri-" Carlos ran down to where you were tied

"Not so fast, you know she can't leave." Instead of threatening Carlos with his sword, he held it to your neck. "Betcha didn't expect that."

"Are you kidding me? Not like I can really help with my own escape." You were aggravated. 

"Shut up, I don't want to kill you, but I will if I have to." Harry pressed the sword closer, barely touching your neck. You were fairly sure he wouldn't kill you, but you weren't positive. "Back off of it goes straight through her neck." Harry growled.

"I don't think your sword is that sharp, but Carlos, leave. You know me, I'll be fine." You nodded, looking to Carlos. He mouthed an apology and ran off. He ran off without you.


A/N edited

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