Chapter 17|| A Nice Chat

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Falling asleep under the stars was the only alright thing that happened that night. I had a terrible nightmare. The same one that's been running through my head. It starts in Auradon and everyone starts to ignore me. That in itself is a nightmare, silence is deafening. Everyone treats me as if I'm invisible, or like I never even existed. My closest friends hate me.

"Nobody wants you here." Evie's voice made me shudder.

"I wish I never met you." Jay growls.

"I hate you." Carlos's words broke me. He meant so much to me. The dream just felt so real. There I was, all alone, not a friend in the world. It then blacked out. The Isle kids awoke in a room. A maniacal laugh startled us. He stood over us with a long sword. One by one, he killed Mal, Jay, and Evie. Carlos was on the other side of them, still giving me dirty looks.

"Stop!" I wailed. His evil grin became wider.

"If I can't have you, no one can." His icy voice echoed as he plunged it through Carlos's heart.

I awoke in a cold sweat, still curled up with Harry. I noticed I was shaking and hyperventilating. Being wrapped up in Harry's arms helped, but made it worse at the same time.

"Whoa there are you alright?" Harry's voice was laced with drowsiness. I couldn't get any words out, I could only shake my head. "It's ok, ev'rythin' is going to be ok." Harry sat up and brought me closer. Hearing his heartbeat help mine slow down.

"I-it's noth-thing. On-nly a b-bad dream." I stuttered. My head in his chest, I saw sunlight. We sat in silence, he waited to even move until I stopped shaking. He slowly crept to his feet and pulled me up with him.

"Off we go, get ready for some shoutin'." Harry murmured as we starting to leave the clearing.

"What do you mean?" I whispered, not fully recovered. Harry used his hook to move some tree branches out of our way.

"We missed curfew." He sighed as we continued.


"Uma's. The crew has to be back to the ship by midnight." I gulped as we neared the restaurant. Standing outside the doors was an angry captain.

"Where the hell have you been?" Uma coldly asked.

"We went to the field, to clear our heads." Harry defended, pushing me behind him.

"You took our prisoner outside, with no handcuffs or ropes. She could have escaped. Everything would have been ruined." She got closer to him with a sword taunting him.

"Hey, it was me. I was upset. He just wanted me to stop being a pain in the ass, alright?" I moved out from behind him. Uma clenched her jaw and pointed the sword at me.

"Take her back." Uma turned around and walked away. Harry forcefully grabbed my arm and pulled me back to his room. He shoved me inside, following close behind. Harry slowly closed the door and moved to face me.

"Yer an idiot!" He yelled. "Do ye know what she could do to ye?" Harry's voice got harsher.

"Why do you care? I'm just your prisoner." I was used to being yelled at, almost everyone did it. Wandering over to the bed, I sat down and gave him a cheeky smile. Harry's eyes shot daggers.

"Yer impossible." He groaned while walking out. The door slammed shut making me jump. I waited for the click to assure me I was stuck, but it never came. Instead it opened to Gil.

"Can I come in?" He politely waited at the door. I nodded, I really didn't have anything else to do. Gil quickly closed the door and sat on the bed. "I'm so sorry that Uma did that to you. I wanted to stop it but she wouldn't let me and I'm so so so sorry."

"Oh it's fine, that happens all the time." It wasn't his fault after all. A confused look plastered his face.


"No! This has never happened to me before. Here or Auradon. But yes I forgive you." I felt bad for sassing him, but I do what I want.

"I'm still sorry. I should have sacrificed myself for you." Gil looked sympathetic.

"Save the sob story, I wouldn't have wanted you to fricken die because of me. I'm fine." I just wanted to change the subject.

"So how's your stay been?" What did he want me to say?

"Disaster after disaster." I groaned.

"What do think of the place?" Gil asked, disregarding my statement.

"It's not terrible, I don't hate it." I rolled my eyes.

"Good! What do you think of Uma and me?" He poked me in the side.

"You seem pretty cool. You're really nice too. I haven't had a proper chat with Uma yet, so I can't judge." I scooted away from him.

"Thanks, what do you think of Harry?" Gil asked in his question spree.

"He's arrogant, spiteful, kinda caring, sorta sweet, pretty cute. I don't know." Gil nodded and ran out.

"Thanks for the talk, Zaelia! Bye!" He rushed out and locked the door. That was a weird way to end a conversation.


A/N next chapter gonna be eventful. Thanks for almost 15K reads!! That's insane! Ily! What other books would you want me to write? ❤️💋

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