Chapter 18|| Whats Happening?

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Minutes later, the lock clicked. Harry swung the door open.

"Lets go." He stood in the doorway, waiting for me. Groaning, I stood up and shuffled towards him. "Time for food." Harry told me. He shoved me up the hall. We entered the restaurant and he pushed me into a chair. His sudden harshness made me lose my appetite. Harry walked off to grab a tray of food. He dropped it on the table and it made a loud noise. I jumped in terror, which made Harry roll his eyes. "Eat." He commanded. The dish was Fish and Chips. I grabbed a French fry and slowly ate it.

"You want some?" I offered, taking another fry. He shook his head as he sat in front of me. "Whatever." A handful of fries later, I pushed the tray away.

"Is that all yer gonna eat?"  He stared at the almost full plate. I nodded as he shoved it back towards me. "Keep eating." Harry ordered.

"No." I defiantly said.

"Is this what yer friends would want?" He was so manipulative, I love it. I sighed and took some more fries. "There ye go."

"How much more?" I sighed, staring at the ground.

"Can ye just eat the fries, at least?" His voice was soft. Reluctantly, I ate some more of them. "How were yer friends back in Auradon?" Harry asked, taking my mind off of the food in front of me.

"They're my world. Couldn't do a thing without them." I mumbled, stuffing my face with more fries. Harry slowly nodded.

"Yer turn." He stated. I gave him a puzzled look. "Ask me a question." Harry clarified.

"Would you ever want to go to Auradon, like to be good?" I was genuinely curious.

"I don't know, it would take a lot to get me to even consider it." Harry took a pause to think of something. "Have ye ever had a boyfriend or girlfriend?"

"Yes." I declared. "Have you?"

"Yes. Who were they?" I let out a sigh at his question.

"One isn't important right now, the other was more of an on and off. Carlos and I have had a difficult time with labels." I explained. Harry gave a nod of understanding. "And you?"

"Someone ye know, but I'm not going into details. Do ye miss Auradon?" He wondered.

"Yes and no. All my friends are there, we've had a great deal of fun there. But, this is where I belong, you know?" I wasn't sure. "What do you think about your dad?"

"Can we stop now?" Harry whispered, apparently I had struck a nerve. I nodded popping the last fry in my mouth.

"Happy?" I gestured to the plate.

"I guess." Harry teased. "I'll get ye some water." He stood up and sauntered to the kitchen. I smiled to myself as I heard the door swing open. Turning to look who it was, my face dropped.

"Miss us?" The creepy voice sent shivers down my spine.

"Har-" I tried to scream, but my mouth was taped shut. A dark bag was thrown over my head. I kicked and punched as I was thrown over a shoulder.

Harry's POV

I grabbed a glass from the counter and filled it up with some water. I was that that she finally ate something. Walking back out, Zaelia was no where to be found.

"That girl." I mumbled. "Zaelia! Where the hell are ye?" I yelled as loud as possible. Running through the halls, I checked every room. She wasn't in any of them. I walked back to the restaurant, unsure of what to do. Something caught my eye on the chair she sat on.

You want her back?
Well there's a price for that.


A/N ooh drama. I can't write in Harry's POV rip. Double update bc 15k!!!! Ily. What book do y'all want me to write?

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