Chapter 20|| A Kiss

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I felt nauseous. What the heck did they do? I heard chatter.

"Before I open my eyes, is everyone's pants on." I asked nervously.

"Why wouldn't they be?" Hunter was confused. They sure are dumber than I thought. Cautiously, my eyes opened. Still attached to the chair, the three stood around me.

"Morning gorgeous." Ron stood behind me, his hands on my shoulders.

"Get off of me, idiot." I tried to shake his hands off of me, but he has a firm grip. The three snickered.

"What fun would that be?" Ron pulled my shoulders back against the chair. "If nothing happened to you, what would Harry give us for you?"

"Speaking of your boyfriend, why'd you say he doesn't care, but then proceed to tell us he'll beat us up?" Kaden innocently asked.

"He needs me for something, he wouldn't care who it was, dumbass." I rolled my eyes. They two in front of me gave me glares. "So what did you give me? Glorified chloroform?" 'Gloroform' I thought after asking.

"You could say that." Ron said, chuckling.

"What did y'all do while I was passed out?" I sighed, annoyed with them.

"If you ever see a mirror, you'll see." Hunter laughed pointing at my neck and chest. "Who's up first?" He looked at the other two.

"Me, off you go." Ron moved away from me and shoved the other two out of the wooden doors. He grabbed another chair and sat in it facing me. "What to do." Ron mumbled. He cut the ropes off of me. I could run, but that could get me killed. He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me on top of him, I was basically straddling him. "Kiss me."

"No thanks?" I pushed on his chest trying to get away. Instead, he pulled me closer to him. He pressed his lips against mine. I hated every second of it. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I got closer to him. His hands were on my waist. Ron tried to shove his tongue into my mouth, which I denied and kept it closed. His hand slowly crept down to my ass. Quickly, he squeezed it, making me gasp. He took the opportunity to change it into a makeout session. The two of us had to back out to catch our breath. Rons eyes were full of lust and hate.

"Whoa." He whispered looking at me.

"You know what they say." I moved my face closer, our lips almost touching. "Keep your enemies closer." His face dropped and he pushed me off of him. I landed on the floor as he stormed away. Smirking, the door slammed. Minutes later, Kaden walked in looking smug.

"You really hurt my friend. You're gonna have to pay for that." Kaden growled. He grabbed my arms and stood me up. Slamming me against the wall, he smiled.

"Yawn." I said, bored of this. Before I knew it, his knee was in my stomach. "Well I gotta say, didn't expect that. Nice work." I commented. He was short, but still taller than me.

"You are such a bitch." Kaden sighed. "But damn it, you're so hot." His hands were on either side of my head. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer. Kaden only stared at my lips, and locked his own.

"What now?" I whispered looking into his dark eyes. He leaned so close to me, our foreheads were touching .

"This." Kaden pressed his lips on to mine. Gross. All I could think about was what my friends would think if they saw me now. No one would approve. Whatever. His hands moved down until they were at my hips.

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