Chapter 22

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Harry's POV

It's been a day since she's been taken. I can not believe those idiots actually took her. Scouring their old places didn't help. I've asked so many people where he is. A little kid walked down an alley way. I stopped him.

"Where is Stiltskin?" I growled. The kid only laughed and shrugged. Pulling out the hook, his eyes went wide. "I don't like to ask twice."

"He's somewhere near Hunters place." The child replied in a sing song voice. I shoved the kid away so he could return to what he was doing.

"Well that narrows it down." I muttered. Hunter lives in a giant forest across the Isle. I stormed through the alleys, pushing everyone out of the way. Most people stayed out of my way, but if they were, they were shoved away. Once I got her back, they were dead. The trees framed a few cabins. She had to be in one of them.


Zaelia's POV

I felt blood pour out of my shoulder. My vision blurred with pain.

"Get something to wrap her arm with." Ron nonchalantly ordered. Someone wrapped it up. All I could think of was how I was going to die here. I'm never seeing my friends again, my dad, Harry. These idiots are going to kill me. Through the tears, I started to shake my head.  My vision became clearer as I blinked the tears away.

"What the hell is she on about?" Kaden chuckled while pointing at me. Ron shook his head while stepping closer. "Aw poor little baby. Do you miss your Harry?" Kaden taunted. My tears went away and my crying turned into laughing. The tape peeled away from my mouth.

"You're gonna be so screwed!" I laughed. The boys took a step back and gulped. "He's gonna kill you, isn't he? I'll just sit here and laugh."

"Maybe the blood loss is getting to her." Ron muttered. He rolled his eyes and turned around, which gave be an idea.

"HARRY! HARRY PLEASE COME FIND ME!" I scream at the top of my lungs. The three boys draw their weapons and get in my face.

"You really hunk that's a good idea, darlin'?" Ron asked me.

"You never know, never hurts to try." I wiped off his threats. If Harry did hear me, then they're screwed.

"Alright, Kaden. Time to slice and dice." Ron shoved the kid forward.

"Where?" He asked like the idiot he is.

"I don't care, no where that'll kill her. Make a design for all I care." Ron rolled his eyes again. Kaden slowly brought the knife to my thigh. I looked to the ceiling, not wanting to watch. The knife slowly pierced my skin, the bullet wound was in so much pain I was numb. The blood still pouring out of my shoulder and now my thigh, I passed out once more.


I was awoken by another gunshot. This time is was through the wooden door. My vision was blurry and I couldn't see straight. The door was kicked open, I couldn't really see who it was.

"Now what did you think you were doing." A familiar voice replaced the ringing in the ears.

"Hey Harry, buddy. It was the chicks idea, you know, crazy hormones, kinky stuff right?" Ron tried to laugh it off.

"I suggest you let her go." Harry ordered.

"Or what?" The three asked. I started to gain vision and all I could see was Harry knocking them all out, one by one. He rushed over to the chair I was on.

"Sup, man. What's been going on?" I asked nonchalantly. He rolled his eyes and untied me as carefully as possible.

"What did they do to you?" He whispered once he was done.

"To be perfectly honest, I don't know. I wasn't conscious some of the time." Harry's eyes became dark and he turned to the unconscious boys. "Can we not worry about them right now? I'm in a little bit of pain."

"Right, lets get you back."

"I was just kidnapped, and shot, and I'm still a prisoner." I joked as he picked me up bridal style.

"If you know anyone else that will give you medical attention, be my guest." Harry kept trudging through the forest.

"How'd you do it?" I pondered.

"What? Find you?" I slowly nodded. "I knew who it was, first off, then I threatened some towns folk, then I heard you scream. Simple."

"You're my hero." I leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. His face became red.

"Go back to sleep, alright, princess?" He smiled.

A/N long time no post am I right. Um sorry, I might quit this story, if anyone wants me to keep going lmk! I'd be happy to if there will be people to read if!

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