Chapter 17 - The Aftermath

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Ever since she left, there has been this void in my heart.

I unconsciously turn into Chat Noir, and go to her apartment, only to find it stale, cold and empty.

The first night, I broke through the window and lay down on her bed, desperate to smell her familiar comforting smell. But her scent had disappeared, so did her trace of her existing in this very room.

It was dark, empty, lonely and simply another room in one of the many apartments.

It was like she was gone.

And she was.

It hurt.

I cried and clutched onto the cold empty mattress, trying to find some of her warmth and love.

But there was always nothing.

Not even a phone call, a text or anything. I lost contact with her after a year, all I know is that her father had started to become better and suddenly, she stopped responding to my desperate messages.

Oh how many times was I tempted to turn into Chat Noir and go to Kansas. But I kept intact. I kept holding on to the promise we made when I last saw her.

Hey..(Y/N). Are you still wearing the ring I gave you?

Do you still...remember the feeling of my body pressed against you?

Or my lips against your soft ones, moving in sync?

I miss you, baby. I miss you so much. It's so hard to live without you. It's like a part of me was ripped out and can never heal again. Not even 6 years of time would.


''Good morning Adrien!'' Marinette tapped me on my shoulder cheerfully.

I turned around and smiled. ''Hey, morning.'' I noticed Nathaniel beside her and I waved at him. He smiled back.

We all walked together to our collage, chatting happily. ''It's a shame Nino and Alya couldn't be here with us in this collage.''

I shrugged. ''They went to a collage specifically for music and dance so I think they are happier there than they would ever be here.''

Marinette agreed. ''True, I still can't believe Alya would take dance!''

''She always did seem like a dancey person.''

''Is that even a word?'' She raised her eyebrow.

''Dunno, now it is.''

We walked and Marinette talked with Nathaniel, laughing with him and giving him a peck on the cheek. I looked down onto the ground and imagined me and (Y/N) walking to collage together like this, hand in hand and living the life we were supposed to live.

But I won't blame her father, after all, he will always be more important than me. And I understand that more than anyone.


I lay in bed that night, staring up at my cieling. A whiff of cambebert tickled my nose and I sighed.

''Plagg, can you not eat that so close to me? The smell kills me.''

''You're already dead inside so why does it matter?''

I blinked at him. ''Wow, that was savage.''

''Yeah, you deserved it after keeping me awake all these nights with your cries and repeated name of your darling (Y/N).'' He took a bite of the stinky cheese.

''Your 22 for god's sake, get over it.''

I pouted. ''I don't want to. I love her, Plagg. I really do.''

He swallowed and met my gaze. ''I know, but you count as a grown man, so stop crying.''

I sighed and sat up in bed. ''Hey...tell me. Do you think..Do you think she'll ever come back?''


He shrugged. ''I can't tell the future.''

I smiled. He doesn't want to say something that would raise my hopes, neither say something that would demolish them. That's what makes him so awesome.

''Thanks Plagg. Good night.''

He mumbled good night in return and I closed my eyes and drifted into sleep.

"It has been said, 'time heals all wounds.'

I do not agree. The wounds remain.

In time, the mind, protecting its sanity,

covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens.

But it is never gone."

- Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy

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