Chapter 24: Broken

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Just so you know, things in this book will not happen at the same exact time, but it will happen.

Eventually I make my way out to the room.

I'm numb. Tobias helped, but there was nothing that could happen to prepare a person for that.

The others agree. We are all zombies, lost in our minds.

We walk in silence. We do everything in silence.

It's lonely.

At dinner Chris tries to make conversation.

"Are you guys ok?" She asks.

"Ya, it just felt like I was in there for an eternity," will mumbles.

"I was in there twice as long as you. I was in there for 15 minutes." Al argues.

"9 minutes," Christina confesses.

"7 and a half," Will says.

"2 minutes," I whisper.

"Two minutes?" Will questions.

I nod.

"But you were in the room longer than anyone," Chris reflects.

"I kinda had a mental breakdown after I came out."

"Oh tris." She pulls me into a hug. "It's okay.

------------- Anenza Chapel-----------------

That night I am woken by a scream.

It chills my bones.

Edward lays on the floor, bleeding and screaming.

He was stabbed in the eye. With a. Butter knife.

As I bleach the blood from the floor, I know who did it.

Peter. He wants to be first.

Which means I'm next.

So I kneel here, about to be targeted. And thanks to the simulation


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