Chapter 36: This Is The Start

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That night, at six, I was called up first. There was a projection screen up that showed what was available. 

"Leader and initiate trainer, transfers," I declare.

The two titles disappear off the screen, leaving only what was left.

And no, I didn't only chose trainer because of Toby, I did it because I want to show people, the ones from amity or abnegation (if there will be any) that they don't have to be seen as weak. Although, I probably won't tell them where I'm from.

But the tiny ones can succeed as well.

Uriah picks to be a leader as well, but only a leader, no other job.

Chris and Mar both choose to work in the stores, Will works in some big word that only he understands. I wonder if he's divergent, dauntless and erudite.

Lynn works at the fence. She didn't have to, but it's what she chooses. Peter doesn't show up, he's with the leaders, he was the initiate in on it.

Toby and I live right next door to each other, on the leader floor. The rest are a floor under us, but the stairs go right from my front door to Christina's.

She and Will move in together, although both of them do have their own rooms.

Each leader have their own areas of expertise.

Tobias- Head leader, oversees everything. Attends faction meetings
Tori- Handles member requests
Adam- handles crime
Uriah- handles army, such as the fence and when we need to attack it there's a threat on the city
Me- faction relationships, tomorrow's my first meeting

This probably seems like an epilogue, but no,

This is the start

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