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frisk POV


"... Chara you sure 'bout this?" I asked stopping for a second.

"Mhmm... You want to escape that place (hell) too right?" She asked back.

"Yes, I do, but... Where would we go..?"I asked worriedly.

"We don't have a home to stay, family  to live with, money... And were barely 11 yrs old to start with!" I said and started running beside her.

"That's fine... We can... Just steal..." Chara said looking away.

"... You know thats a bad idea," I said, then turned left from a corner.

"I know... but... It's not like we haven't done it before," She said, pointing at her wristwatch. I sighed.

"...We didn't stole it..."

"We only 'got' it from them" I finished, grinning a little. Chara raised her brow, but smiled and shook her head with a sigh.

"You know what... We really are twins" Chara said with a little chuckle. 

"What? It's true though," I laughed

"It's our property their using. We can 'take' what's 'ours' whenever we want," I shrugged

"... You got a point..." Chara agreed. 

She started to look around then saw something that caught her attention.

She slowed her pace and approached it. I followed her, confused at where she's going. 

I peeked behind her and I think she saw a knife, a toy knife to be precise.

She stopped to pick it up then tugged the sleeves of my shirt.

(They're wearing a white plain t-shirt and a plain black short that reaches right above their knee.)

"Wha-" I stopped when she pointed the knife in front of me.

I was about to ask something when we heard voices.

We reflexively hid behind a narrow alleyway.

She turned the toy knife around to make sure it was fake then swang it on her right.

"A-are you gonna use that??" I asked stuttering, gulping at the same time.

"Maybe... Maybe not..." She said using a finger to touch the edges of the knife.

"No..." I muttered, "we won't hurt anyone." 

"I know you hate humanity but even so... We can't kill." I said looking at her seriously.

Chara sighed in response.

We went out of our hiding spot and continued running. We heard these voices again, we turned our head at that direction (while running). 

I tripped and fell because I didn't saw the rock in front. Chara stopped when she noticed me trip. 

My left knee started bleeding that made me shiver, luckily Chara didn't notice it.

She reached out her hand, about to ask something until those voices were getting closer that they even made a big and small figure of shadows.

We panicked in our head, Chara quickly helped me up and started running.

We hid behind some boxes in a ship we saw. We got through a really narrow hole between the boxes.

I huffed. My hearts beating so loud, I think chara can hear it. I held my chest hoping it would calm down.

DROPPED* not applicable feelings (sansxfrisk)Where stories live. Discover now