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first, I read the last chapter and wow. It sucks lmao. It had a lot of errors but I ain't gonna edit that cuz that chapter is waaay too long.

Anyway, this are the few things I want to clear up. Benille is 24 and Carlos is 26, I got their age messed up whoops. Also, Frisk can see in the dark (like, feel moving things around her without looking so that explains why she can tell that she looked up with the blindfold. It's for plot convenience xD). 

That's all lmao


Frisk's PoV

I finally got in front of the dressing room. 

I slowly turned the knob and made a small opening to let me peek. My eyes scanned the ladies in the room.

At first I wanted to get in and fit in. Like I was newbie or something.

But someone in there caught my eye. A woman with red hair and green eyes.

I think I heard somewhere in the mansion that there was a woman with beautiful red locks and lustrous green eyes come and searched for Carlos.

And that the woman with red hair heard that, women are frequently disappearing without a trace when visiting in this place (which was a rumor) and decided to come.

Also, they heard her whisper in a sweet and endearing tone while smiling "I can finally be with the man I love~<3"


That made me get my guard up and be conscious around her. My gut is also telling me to change my clothes and appearance.

Well, I have everything in my bag, but I need sans to teleport it to me.

From what I remember he said to just click the button in my left earring.

I held my left earring and I felt a small button. I clicked it and a whisper of sans recorded voice came out and said, "heh, seems like you're in a baggy situation,"

I giggled lightly and covered my mouth hoping that no one heard that. I peeked through the door and sighed in relief when I saw no one seemed to notice.

"if you laughed at that, congrats you have your bag. if you didn't then you're... a no-bag. nono, just kidding, you'll still have you're bag back either way,"

I smiled, honestly enjoying his jokes when he's not here.

Well, I had to maintain an image or else.

"anyway here," A snap of his bony finger was heard in the recorded audio and my small black bag appeared.

I caught and silently hid behind some boxes. 

"if you want to return it. you can't. there's a no-return policy in my bag so you just gotta suck it up," A delayed message said.

"that's all and best of luck kid," the vibration from the earring finally stopped telling me that there aren't any message left.

I unconsciously smiled at the last note and unconsciously changed clothes with a grin.

But there was one question that bugged me though. It that was a recorded message how'd he do that?

I shrugged the thought away and just continued to change.


Specifically after 5 minutes, I've changed my appearance.

I went light on my make-up and just put on some blush on and light pink lipstick. Put on some like mascara, just enough for it to stand out.

I put on some blue eye contacts on and kept my eyes open. 

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 19, 2019 ⏰

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