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Frisk's POV


I walked in and felt the warm air coming from the food. I stepped in and saw some plates assigned for each chair and food on it.

I walked slowly to a chair and climbed on it. I sat down and saw warm, cooked food. I stayed quiet and staring at it, moved at the food.

"Frisk, eat your food before it gets cold," mom said before sitting.

I nodded and took a bite, it tastes amazing! I never got delicious food like for ages. I got three servings, straight and stopped. I leaned on my chair holding my stomach. 

"I'm so fuuullll," I rubbed my stomach, burping to get some space.

"Excuse me," I said, trying not to be rude after burping. I heard someone burp at my left and saw Chara.

"How many servings did you get? Mine's three" I said turning my body to her.

"Servings? I think 5," chara said, averting her eyes

"Five!?" I gasped

"Mhm..." She hummed nonchalantly.

"That's why your stomach is so round," I said poking her belly.

"Hey! Don't touch it!" Chara grunted angrily.I just giggled and nodded returning to my lazy state.

I heard Asriel burp this time. I was about to ask Asriel the same question but got stopped by Chara's voice.

"Azzy, how many servings did you get?" Chara said looking pass me. 

Chara was at my left and Asriel was at my right, when did Chara start calling him azzy? Oh wait, she called him Azzy this morning too. I'm going to ask her later, I leaned back and let them talk.

"Me? uhh, 4?" Asriel said unsure of his answer. 

I just looked at them and they looked at each other, awkwardly. We stayed quiet looking at each other thinking about why or how could we eat so much.

Chara burped, then Asriel, next me. We said our excuse's in chorus and made eye contact with each other. We smiled and laughed at our burps. 

And it became quiet again. I didn't feel like staying here for too long so I left the kitchen and went to our room, next to the bathroom. 

Mom said we can have this room as ours, which made me really thankful to mom. I climbed on bed and sat here, dazing around.

This room is so big, I wonder how many drawers can fit in here? Now that i think about it. 

Where does Asriel sleep? Does he sleep in this kind of spacious room on his own? He must've felt lonely...

The door creaked and saw Chara peeping. She opened the door completely revealing her and Asriel.

They entered walking to the bed and sat next to me. 

"Soo... What should we do now?" Asriel asked. I stayed silent, staring blankly at the ceiling.

"Let's play at the playground!" Chara answered excitedly, Asriel nodded. They looked at me. 

"Frisk you coming?"

"... Maybe later, I'm still kinda full. You two go there first," I said. 

They nodded and jumped down running to the door. Chara pulled Asriel's clothe dragging him back into the room, and started running. 

"No fair," Asriel pouted closing the door.

They already started a race to go there? they get along well like they hadn't met yesterday. 

DROPPED* not applicable feelings (sansxfrisk)Where stories live. Discover now