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What have I gotten myself into?

I'm walking straight down the hall clutching my three-ring binder so tightly that my knuckles are turning white. I'm so nervous. The four guards surrounding me on all sides are extremely tall and muscular, but they're still trembling slightly. Just who is she?

The guards stop and part to surround me from behind. There's a great Veracium door in front of me with a gigantic dial the size of a ship's steering wheel. I start to feel faint from the exposure to the Veracium, which is a type of material that weakens all superpowers.

"Are you feeling alright?" asks Dr. Grace, "Take some of these. They're supplements to help you gather your strength. I know it's a lot of Veracium exposure, but it's necessary to have such a high concentration of it considering who's in that room." She says this quickly as she shoves some dark red pills into my hand. I take them all in one swallow and clutch my binder tighter.

"Thanks. I think I'm ready now," I reply. The truth is, I'm anxious to all hell. I'm scared. I feel like turning back.

"I think you're ready too," Grace said with a sad smile, "Just be careful okay? Take this. Press this button on the side if you need immediate assistance." She wrapped a silicone watch on my wrist as she pointed to a small white button on the side. "Listen... I know you said you don't like being watched, but you might want us to monitor your session through the security cameras - for your own safety."

I shook my head furiously.

"I need the time between me and my patients to be entirely between us. I'll be okay. I'll have my eye and one finger on the button at all times! Don't worry about me." I winked and nodded at the warden, who stood silently at the left side of the door. He was a big, burly man probably 40 years of age. He grunted and began to turn the dial with an ungodly speed until something made a click.

The door opened slowly and silently without any creaking noises. That was probably the creepiest part. I gulped and forced my feet to trudge on forward. As I reached a certain distance, the door shut behind me, making me jump slightly. I drew in a deep breath and thought to myself: I can't be so scared. I haven't even seen her yet. The hallway opened up into a pretty large room. The walls and tiles were a stellar white, but the bed, which was in the corner of the room, had gray sheets and pillows. There was a small wooden table with two chairs set up in the middle of the room. A young woman, maybe slightly older than me sat at one end with her eyes cast down. I froze in my place. There she was, the menace herself. I clenched my teeth and forced myself forward yet again. I couldn't back down now.

I walked over to the table with fake confidence in my step and pulled the chair out. I plopped down in my seat and opened my binder while pulling out my signature pen. I put it down on my paper and folded my hands while leaning forward on the table.

"Good morning! How are you today?" I asked with a smile. But she didn't look up. She stayed silent and kept her gaze aimed downwards. She was in what appeared to be multiple Veracium chains. Every limb of hers was bound and restricted. I almost felt bad for her, but then I realized that without those chains she'd kill me in an instant. I followed her appearance upwards. I couldn't see her face too well, but I could see her rosy lips and gentle features. Her skin was pale white and perfectly smooth. Her hair was a luxurious mass of sleek, lilac strands that hung flawlessly around her face. Light purple bangs swooped down her forehead and sideways past her eyes. Even though I couldn't see her very well, I could tell she was exceedingly beautiful.

I sighed.

"You're awfully quiet huh?" I asked, and of course, there was no response. "C'mon I'm making an effort! I'm not trying to trick you or hurt you. I just want to talk to you and understand you. Help me out and respond so that I can help you." I was treated with an extended period of silence. I sighed again, more loudly this time.

"If you don't believe and/or trust me, I can show you that I mean what I just said." I pushed out my chair and walked over to her side. My heart thumped loudly in my chest, but I couldn't project feelings of fear right now- although they would undoubtedly end up being in the mix. I bent my knees and lowered my body so that my face was leveled with hers. With shaking hands, I gingerly laid them on both sides of her face and turned it towards mine. Her face was indeed beautiful. Her shocked pastel purple eyes were aimed directly at mine. I felt a shock of terror go down my spine but I ignored it. I closed my eyes and channeled all my thoughts of wanting to help her out of her madness into my brain. When I reopened my eyes, I transferred them into her mind. I felt all of the positivity and hope that I felt be projected into her.

I fell on my knees with a gasp. With all of the Veracium around, it was really hard to use my powers, but I managed to succeed. I felt like I could barely breathe, but managed to use the table to pull myself back onto my feet. I walked back to my seat and sat down with a huff.

"I need a minute," I wheezed.

When I looked back at her, I was surprised to find her staring directly at me this time. Her eyes were still full of surprise, but they were softer this time. I shot a small smile at her.

"Surprised?" I chuckled.

"Yes." I almost jumped in my seat. Did she actually reply to me?

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A/N: Hey guys! So this is my first story here :) hope you like it!!

Will update very soon. It'll include much more about the characters and their backgrounds as well as the conversation between the two that follows. Stay tuned !

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