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Freedom feels good.

Granted, I'm only allowed to go out for one shift of work a day and two hours afterwards - maximum - but it's an improvement. 

Reintegrating into normal life was extremely difficult. It's not like Grace couldn't notice me going missing for a few days, nor could the authorities ignore it either... or so I thought. Apparently Ash is really, really  close with the police force of City Sector 7. I wondered if she had connections with the underworld workings of the other Sectors too. But anyways, any missing persons report about me was quickly swept into the paper shredder. 

Grace wasn't as easy to calm down. I could see it now in her eyes: a loo of concern so intense it was borderline homicidal. 

"You need to tell me where you've been!" she half-shrieked, half-whispered. "You can't expect me not to flip when you just fell off the face of the Earth for a bit!" I bit my lip and reached for my steaming caramel latte. I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to see our little coffee shop again. I'd only been in captivity for a short while, but I realized how hopeless it seemed being in the clutches of some crime boss king pin. 

"Relax, Grace." I put my cup down gently on the table after taking a long, luxurious gulp of the heavenly goodness that is a hot caramel latte. I reached over the shiny glass table and outstretched my hand, clasping it over hers, which was wrapped around her own mug of Earl Grey tea. I could feel the heat radiating from her drink, and her heartbeat flutter uncontrollably. I shook my head lightly. I had to stay on task.

"I'd been working with a really dangerous client as you know and I thought it would be a good idea to go into hiding for a bit. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you. I was afraid to leak that information. I'm sure Ash has..." I lowered my voice dramatically and leaned in. "little ninja spies everywhere."

Grace breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed her body, but her heartbeat was nowhere near a decreasing tempo. I squeezed her hand lightly, making it shoot up again excitedly. I didn't mean to, and I instantly regretted it the moment I had, but I just wanted to comfort her.

"Just promise me you're safe," she whined softly. I felt my heart clench as I answered her.

"I promise I'm safe. I'm perfectly fine now." I smiled, but the corners of my mouth were just like puppets pulled up by strings.

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So I've learned that there's actually a secret elevator that can take you to the floor right below Ash's penthouse. And by elevator, I mean that Ash opens up a small metal tunnel in the backroom of the apartment building and lifts us up using her powers. Must be fun living in a house you can customize 24/7.

Walking through the front entrance of her apartment building was even more terrifying than being dropped on her rooftop. The tiles were all paved with marble and real bits of glittery gold. Regal, stark-white roman columns lined the walkway and a doorman/butler was stationed within each three-foot radius. Okay, maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration. Four-foot radius. 

I didn't have much time to figure it out before, but Ash actually lived in the penthouse of the most expensive building in all of Sector 7. The wealthiest business executives, CEO's, families, entrepreneurs, and more lived like royalty in the same building I was casually strolling through. One-way floor-to-ceiling windows lined the entire perimeter of the lobby, illuminating the city beyond its zoo-like perspective. It was an entirely different world, a bubble of rich people in one of the biggest sectors with some of the poorest citizens. 

I made it to the end of the walkway, to a young man stationed at a desk just like the tiles, with glittering gold and amazingly white marble. He took one glance at me and left his station, obviously expecting me to trail after him, so I did. Ash must've given him instructions on how to guide me. I wondered if he was one of her lackeys too.

"My name's Ryan," he said awkwardly. I blinked blankly, laughing a little at his sudden interjection to the silence.

"Thought you were just a robot. I'm Alice. Good to meet you." He looked back with his face flushed as I shot him a cheeky smile. A smile crept onto his own face as he hurriedly turned back around and stopped in front of a mahogany door labelled "Lounges 10-20".

"Well that's rude," he pouted as he opened the door. "I'm just a normal guy at work. What's your story, huh? You're the one tangled up with a mafia leader." My face turned red-hot.

"I didn't choose to be, okay! Things just... happened. Is this not a secret or something?"

Ryan sighed as he stopped in front of the end of the hallway. I started to get goosebumps as the thought that this might've been a trap crawled into my mind. To my confusion, Ryan snapped his fingers, and the wall in front of us faded from existence, revealing a hall with a lounge labeled "A" at the end of the corridor.

"Everyone notices when the boss picks a new toy." His toned changed to an oddly cold one as fear, jealousy, and suspicion started to take hold of me. As we reached the door, I noticed that the door was an even deeper, darker shade than the other mahogany entrances. It seemed to foreshadow what dangers lied beyond and suggest an even more aristocratic air.

"If I don't see you again, it was nice to meet you." I raised an eyebrow at Ryan, who was smiling nervously at me. Before I could ask any more questions, he had already turned around and started walking away.

"Hey, wait!" I shouted. He turned slightly and waved at me, still smiling that nervous smile. A wall suddenly phased into existence, seemingly closing me in. I decided to give up and boldly knocked on the door in front of me.

"Come in," purred a voice I knew all too well. I turned the door handle slowly, like I was trying to delay our reunion as much as possible. The relatively small but extravagant room inside took my breath away. Glossy, gold-framed wood installments encased a gigantic flat screen T.V. in the wall, setting a sleek backdrop for the set of white couches in the center. The walls were lined with various lighting, modern art, plants, and more. I followed them over to the right to scan over a small bar fully stocked with the most expensive alcohols and snacks. Farther to the right than the bar was Ash, leaning against a mahogany desk and facing me with her arms crossed. Was I in trouble?

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