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I didn't have to use my powers to be able to tell exactly what Dr. Grace was thinking. Her mouth hung half open, searching for words to say but not being able to form them.

"Are you crazy?" she asked, completely incredulous.

"Probably. Still, you should do me this favor," I pleaded while biting the inside of my lip gently. I'd just asked her to let me unlock Ash's chains during our sessions. I think I'm crazy too, but I feel like it's an important step in gaining her trust. Plus, I'm sure they're really uncomfortable. Dr. Grace looked into my eyes, waiting for my gaze to falter but when she saw that I wouldn't give in, she sighed.

"Alice," she started, "You realize that if she unleashes her wrath, we probably won't be able to save you in time, right? If she attempts to break out, all of the Veracium should be able to keep her contained for long enough to weaken her. But only then can we swoop in. You'll likely be dead at that point."

"Dead? Me? I'll be fine, Grace. Trust me. I know what I'm doing." I gave her a big, reassuring smile as she shook her head and chuckled nervously.

"I really don't know what goes through that head of yours sometime," she said as she gestured for me to follow her as she began to walk away. "Come. I'll take you to the room where we keep the key. As the acting Chairman of Retribution Prison, I have access to all of the keys."

"Don't you mean Chairwoman?" I teased. She laughed lightly.

"Whatever floats your boat."

As we walked, I kept my eyes on the floor in front of me. I recalled how proud she sounded when she declared her position. After her father had died three years ago, he named her to be the next Chairman despite her being the middle child of the family. Ever since then, she took his place with dignity and continued her legacy in honor of his parting wishes despite the difficulty of managing such a large prison. I smiled softly. Grace was truly a remarkable person.

We stopped in front of a menacing Veracium door with a small pad next to it. Dr. Grace pressed her thumb firmly on the glass screen within the iron framing of the pad, causing a sharp beep to go off. The door opened slowly on an automated hinge as we stepped through it briskly. The door slid back into place behind us.

The room was moderately sized, with large metal display cases lining the walls. In the center of the room was a secure glass case which took Dr. Grace all five of her left hand's fingers to unlock. From within the case, she withdrew a metallic cube roughly the size of my pinky nail.

"Be careful," she warned sternly.

"Of course," I beamed while taking the key from her.

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"What is that?" Ash asked, looking curiously at the cube, "Whatever it is, it's metal you know."

"Well duh I know," I said while rolling my eyes. "It's not awfully hard to guess that." I pushed my chair outwards and stood up, circling around the table and standing behind Ash's chair. I bent down to where her hands were bound and clicked the cube, which was conveniently metallic, into place. The chains immediately fell apart as I took the cube back. I circled back towards my seat and plopped down. Ash still hadn't said anything. She looked into my eyes, confusion evident.

"I don't understand," she stated blankly, "Why would you release me?" She shook off the rest of her chains as they fell to the floor, filling the room with sharp clinking sounds as they collided. She sighed with relief.

"Well, it feels much better now doesn't it?" I asked smugly.

"Regardless, I could kill you right now if I wanted to," she said, emotions still devoid from her tone.

"Do you want to?" I squeaked meekly. This earned a soft laugh from Ash.

"You're adorable. Of course I don't want to." I smiled sheepishly. She sure knew how to get me on edge sometimes. I'm pretty sure she just messes with me for fun. She sat up in her chair and cracked her knuckles as she stretched her limbs.

"Been a while since I've been able to do that," she muttered.

"The last time I cracked my knuckles, I couldn't move my ring finger properly for three days." Ash snorted and chuckled a little in response to my mini-anecdote.

"You're such a silly person." She reached out across the table, making mt heart skip a beat in fear. She took my right hand in both of hers gently as she brushed her thumb over my ring finger. How can someone's hands feel so soft? "Don't hurt yourself."

I blushed when I realized she was holding my hand, making her smirk and withdraw her hands. She sat back in her chair as I pouted internally. I didn't really want her to let go... I frowned when I realized what I was thinking.

"Why are you frowning?" she asked inquisitively.

"No reason."

"Tell me."


Ash sighed.

"If you won't tell me, at least come over here." She beckoned for me to head over to her and I followed her as if in a trance. She beckoned me to come closer, so I bent my knees slightly until we were face-to-face. In a fraction of a second, Ash grabbed my wrist to pull me even closer and smashed her lips onto mine. Her lips were the most delicate things I had ever touched in my whole life. They pressed onto mine with an intensity that showed her feral hunger for my kiss. I mewed softly into the kiss as I pressed back with my lips. She opened her mouth slowly and nibbled on my bottom lip, begging for entrance. I parted them slightly as she slid her tongue in.

Her tongue was warm and slick against mine as she aggressively asserted her dominance through the kiss. She growled softly as she stood up and wrapped her other arm around my waist, drawing my body against her own. She was a lot taller than I realized, probably around six foot, which towered a whole foot above me. I stood on my tiptoes as she continued to have her way with my mouth. After what felt like an eternity, she pulled away. She examined me, eyes glazing over my puffy, swollen lips and smirking as if she were proud of her work. She let go of me abruptly and sat back down as if nothing had happened.

"So what questions do you have for me today, hm?"

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