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A/N: I included a picture of eggs Benedict in case you didn't know what it was ;)

Thanks for reading my story by the way <3 Enjoy!

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I waited patiently for Ash to come back downstairs for what seemed like forever.

I dragged my fork through the runny yolk of the eggs and rested my chin lazily on my upturned palm. If I were a puppy, I'm sure my ears would've perked up when I heard light footsteps come down the stairs and a smug, purple-haired woman rounding the doorway with a fresh new t-shirt. It was a crop-top that showed off her amazing curves... wait... what am I thinking?

"Like what you see?" she asked arrogantly. I was too flustered to respond as Ash took her seat right next to mine and smile sweetly at the food.  "This looks really good. Where'd you learn how to be a little chef hm?" I huffed.

"Benefits of living alone for years now I guess." I broke off a bit of biscuit and eggs, proportionally matched in quantity of course, and took a heavenly bite. The food was cold now, but still amazing in flavor. Ash chuckled softly at the sight of me half-moaning from just eating food.

"Cook dinner for me tonight." I frowned, but continued chewing. Who was she to command me around like that?

"I cook when I want to," I sneered.

"No, I decided just now that you'll be my personal servant." I put my fork down with a sharp clatter as it hit my plate and stood up, walking over to her and matching my gaze with hers (even though I had to look upwards since we'd been sitting on stools).

"You won't just boss me around after you kidnap me!"

"Oh yeah Princess? And who's going to stop me?" Ash raised an inquisitive eyebrow as her playful lilac irises glinted. She was testing me.

"I just won't do as you order me to," I declared triumphantly. The winner's attitude didn't last long as I felt a stinging pain spread across my right cheek. I realized with a slight twinge of horror that Ash had slapped me. I sharply turned to look back towards her only to see stone-cold eyes glaring me down. I felt like curling up into a scared little ball and never unrolling myself again.

Her lips curled into a sick smile as she pecked my forehead gingerly and sat back in her chair.

"You look like a frightened kitten right now," she remarked as she continued eating normally. "I think I've bullied you enough - for now." I furrowed my brows. I hated how haughty she would act sometimes.

I didn't feel like arguing since she was prone to just slap me again. Though it was shocking and did shut me up, my cheek wasn't hurting anymore. She didn't slap me that hard but it was still an incredibly rude thing to do and I'd definitely pay her back for it somehow...

"Fine. Just don't slap me again," I huffed, "Now tell me why you came home so beat up." I looked towards her expectantly as she chuckled.

"All right Princess, if you insist." I leaned forward with the top portion of my stomach touching the edge of the granite countertop. "So, I'm walking in the streets and I see this woman."

I raised an eyebrow and opened my mouth to interrupt, only to have Ash raise a pale, slender hand to signal me to stop. I let her to continue.

"It takes me a while, but I recognize her as ex number 476 so I start to back away real slow. But it turns out, she organized hundreds of other ex's to come ambush me at that exact moment - so I have to fist-fight each and every -"

"But what really happened?" I whined. I saw a hint of shame and a lot of wariness swirl beneath Ash's lilac irises. "Are you afraid that I'll think badly of you?" Her eyes widened slightly with surprise.

"You read me like a book. I guess your useless powers can be decent sometimes."

I clenched my grip around the fork. I wasn't angry, but I desperately wanted to make a good come-back. But, being the failure I am, couldn't come up with anything funny.

"Jeez. Just get on with your story, okay?" Ash smirked slightly in triumph to my annoyance. I could feel my eye twitching with irritation, making Ash snort a little. Seriously, would I ever get used to this humiliation?

"Fine. Truth be told, I was actually ambushed. A group of rival Sect members intercepted me on my way to visit my hideout. Well, actually, they were trying to scout out the location, but of course I'm too good not to notice that I'm being trailed." Why. Is. She. So. Arrogant. "We got into a pretty heated battle, but all survived except for their weakling captain." Her eyes were coldly trained on mine as I asked my next question.

"You killed them?" Ash didn't say anything. She just kept her gaze steady, but she couldn't read what I was feeling. Rather, I was reading what she was feeling. Her face, as usual, didn't betray her. However, trails of anxiety, anticipation, and regret ran rampant beneath her porcelain mask. She didn't feel regret for her act of murder. Rather, she felt regretful for telling me the truth.

"I don't hate you," I blurted out. Ash seemed to perk up a little bit as she processed my reaction. I should be making her feel guilty for what she's done, but for some reason I don't want to torture her like that. Even if she really, really deserved it right now. Ash nodded and continued working on her eggs Benedict.

"You're a good person," she said unexpectedly. I frowned. "I know you'll never fully accept my day-to-day injustices, yet you don't want to condemn me for it either... so you're a good person. Because you choose not to feel that rage and hatred that most people would." I traced her eyes, which had softened and glazed over with affection. My heart starting thumping a little louder and much faster.

"You're weird. I'm not the angel you make me out to be," I sighed. "You barely even know me outside of the conversations we've had."

"Our conversations said a lot, or was I the only one who felt that way?" I would've responded, but in another instant I was between Ash's arms, enclosed within their slender perimeters. She leaned in close, until I could feel her warm breath on the sensitive skin of my neck. Her hands closed firmly, but also gently around my wrists.

"I'm sorry for slapping you earlier," she began. "I have the compulsion to punish you. I love seeing the fear in your adorable brown eyes. I love thinking about making you mine. Shaping your behavior. Making myself your superior." She laughed an empty laugh. "I'm sick, aren't I?"

I sighed and kissed the top of her head. Her hair was so silky that I wanted to press my lips to them again just to feel how soft it was.

"Maybe. Am I sick because it makes me feel alive?" Ash drew away from my neck and pressed her lips hard against mine, making sparks fly in my vision. Her heat was getting stronger and stronger and the warmth was practically radiating through the kiss to my body. But I wanted more. So much more.

I shouldn't fall in love with her. She's a monster.

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