472 14 1

A/N: So I think that this story might take a more mature turn from now, but I'm not sure. Anyways! I wanted to include slightly sexual scenes in this chapter sooooo.

Read at your own discretion lmao.

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I don't understand why she insists on carrying me - bridal style too - everywhere.

Still, I lean my head right below her collarbone and listen to her heartbeat. Her face doesn't give away any hints, but her heart is racing as she carries me up the stairs past one landing, then two. We stop when we're at the uppermost floor, which opens into a wide bedroom area.

The windows touch the floor and the ceiling, spanning the room's walls in a breathtaking semicircle. A bed, lined with huge black and gray sheets, is against the one wall that isn't entirely made up of windows. In the glass panes, I see the city twinkle at me. One thing I love is how life goes on no matter how late at night it is. The sun goes down, but our spirits don't. I bit my lip. Would I ever be able to go outside again? Was I just Ash's prisoner now?

The bed grew closer and closer, and when Ash reached the edge of the mattress, she dropped me nearly two feet, making me bounce multiple times, all in confusion. When I came to my senses, I pouted and looked up at Ash, who was smirking down at me.

"You looked pretty dazed," she explained, "I thought I'd just mmph-!!" I cut her off mid-sentence by swinging one of the dark pillows into her face. I doubled backwards, laughing and clutching my stomach.

"You should've seen the look on your face!" When I realized I was laughing alone, I stole a cautious glance at Ash, who did not look amused at all. I gulped.

"I-It was just a joke," I continued. Then, I felt something fluffy connect with my own face. I looked back towards Ash, who was holding the pillow I threw at her like a trophy in her left hand. I felt my face begin to redden. "I thought you were about to murder me!" I squealed. A frown glanced across Ash's features and the same intimidating atmosphere took over. She was no longer amused by my behavior, in fact, she looked to be upset by my comment.

One of her silky pale hands touched down on the cushiony surface of the bed next to my shoulder. Then, her other hand enclosed me between her outstretched arms by firmly placing itself next to my other shoulder. Ash bent downwards, making me feel like a rabbit about to be eaten by an alpha wolf. Her eyes shone coldness and indifference as they burned into mine. I shivered, unable to break the gaze.

"Look at you," she scoffed, "So pathetic." Before I could protest and deliver an ultra-cool and super-smooth comeback, she continued: "You're still afraid of me..." The faintest pulse of sadness ran across her features as she stared down at me, her lilac locks brushing my cheeks.

"Did you expect me not to be?" I snapped back at her. I remembered the carnage she left behind for Grace. I bit the inside of my lip with determination. No matter how charming she was, I couldn't let myself forget her sins.

Ash sighed quite audibly and, to my surprise, laid herself down on my body, her hands finding their sneaky ways around my body. Her arms held me even tighter and she buried her face into the crook of my neck. She inhaled almost dreamily as I laid my hand on the back of her head. It was like petting a rabbit. Her hair was crazy soft. Wait - didn't I say that I was the rabbit in the situation?

"You smell so nice and sweet," she mumbled into my neck. I shuddered a little, but not out of fear this time. Her breath sent little jolts of electricity up my spine. She lifted her head slightly, but dipped back down to connect her lips with mine. I moaned softly as I intertwined my fingers into her delicate strands of hair, pulling her as close as I possibly could. I felt a deep hunger swell up inside me; I wanted more - I needed her. I felt her lips curl up into that god-awful smirk of hers as she pulled away. She surveyed my body, scanning me up and down as she took in my expression, which must have been completely in ecstacy.

"I'll give you something to sleep in," she said as she leaned in to peck my cheek sweetly. I blushed furiously at the gesture. She could be so cute when she wanted to be.

Ash walked to a nearby dresser with an impossibly large mirror next to it. The frame was decorated with intricate, curling metal wires while the dresser was plain yet large as well. There was a walk-in closet in the space between the placement of the bed and the dresser. Ash dipped in and out of the closet and opened a few of the drawers in the dresser as I sat up, content to just watch curiously. As she walked back, I felt that familiar, burning heat rise to my face as my eyes widened in complete disbelief.

"You can't be serious."

"Oh, I am," Ash said casually as she laid down the clothing on the bed's plushy surface. There was a silky white thong with a matching bralette, both lined with lace trimmings. Next to these was a flowy kimono with flowery designs. It was a mixture of pink, green, and gold colors and admittedly very beautiful. But it was designed to stop right below the hips, which would leave pretty much all of my legs exposed.

That devil crossed her arms and stood back, nodding towards the clothing. I shook my head furiously.

"This is sexual harrassment!" I cried out loud. I picked up the thong and pointed to it with my other hand angrily. "This is just a strip of cloth!" Ash just raised an eyebrow and shrugged.

"You're either wearing this or sleeping naked." I clenched my jaw. I knew just by looking at her that she was deadly serious.

"I won't change into those things." I spat out the words particularly venomously. Ash looked at me impatiently as she approached me again. Without any warning, she beckoned towards me and the collar dragged me up to my feet. I grabbed at the damn thing in frustration, but it didn't really matter. Ash chuckled at the sight. She led me to the nearest wall and let go of her intangible grip on the collar. In less than a second, her hand was locked around my wrists and holding them above my head. She leaned in, breathing on my ear and making me shiver with anticipation. My heart thumped as hard as it did when we kissed. I had nowhere to run.

"Are you too embarrassed to show me your body?" she seductively whispered. I didn't know how to answer. I felt a hand snaking up my shirt, and realizing it was Ash's hand, began to squirm violently. A sharp slap echoed against the walls of the room as her hand traveled painfully across my face. I looked towards her in shock, but her expression hadn't changed at all.

"Fine I'll change! Just let me go already!" I kept squirming, just not as violently as Ash smirked.

"Ask nicely. Beg." I couldn't believe my ears. My face kept heating up as I swallowed the last bit of my pride so as not to get slapped again.

"Please... please let me go. I'll do as you asked." I whimpered every word, and that weird look of excitement flit across Ash's face again. She loosened her grip as I wriggled out of her grasp and headed over to the bed. I looked over my shoulders at Ash, who was smirking and watching intently. Sighing, I decided to get over the embarrassment. I'd changed in front of Grace too many times to count. This wasn't any different was it?

I pulled my shirt over my head, facing the opposite way from Ash. I pulled the bralette on quickly and drew the kimono around my shoulders, making a sort of curtain as I worked on the bottom next. I sighed in relief. It was over.

"Take the kimono off. I want to see your ass." I glanced backwards in shock at what she'd just said to me.

"Excuse me?"

"Did I stutter?" Her tone was way too serious and I remembered how she didn't hesitate to slap me two seconds ago. Hesitantly, I lifted the kimono with trembling hands and turned my gaze forwards in shame. I felt a cold hand on one of my butt cheeks and Ash's weight on my back.

"You have quite a body," she mused. She gave it a light spank as I yelped in response. She chuckled heartily in response. Then, she clapped twice and the lights immediately went out. As she crawled into the bedsheets, she scooted over to the opposite edge and peeled back the covers to make a space for me. She patted the surface as I followed her, as if in a trance. As I settled in, I felt her big spoon around my body as she nuzzled into the back of my neck.

"Good night," she whispered as she gave me a loving kiss on my neck.

"Good night," I whispered back. What kind of trainwreck did I get myself into?

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