567 17 11

I'd never been to a ballroom before.

Growing up, I remember daydreaming about them though. I'd imagine myself in a flowing, noble princess gown being carried off into a calm waltz by my Prince Charming. I looked over to my right and eyed Ash's pale jawline and wavy lilac hair. Not what I imagined my Prince to look like at all

She noticed immediately. Casting a sidelong glance back at me, Ash smirked and pulled me closer by the waistline. 

"Are you nervous?" she whispered. I huffed and crossed my arms.

"I mean, yeah!" I scoffed, "I'm in a place meant for millionaires, no, billionaires and you expect me not to be nervous? I have half a mind to walk right out of this goddamn -" Ash planted her lips on mine, abruptly stopping my sentence midway. I quickly pushed her away and covered my lips with my hand, a blush creeping up my cheeks.

"Relax." She commanded. Her steady tone whipped me back to reality. "You'll be at my side the entire time." Her lips curled up into a slight smile. I nodded slowly. I'd begun to forget about her soft side, the sweet side she kept hidden behind layers of sarcasm, arrogance, and coldness.

She led us through the reception area of the ballroom, where the employee recognized Ash right away without even asking for her invitation card. I noted that she greeted Ash by her full name and with a friendly demeanor. No trace of fear or shock on her exterior that the most notorious crime boss of the entire city was a few feet away from her.

As we walked past the strangely unfazed lady, I had half a mind to ask Ash what kind of place she had brought me to, but the glittering lights, dazzling ladies, and gourmet food took my attention away immediately.

A buffet stretched the entire expanse of the back wall, with everything from lobster to prime rib to crab cakes to lamb chops. My stomach grumbled loudly just looking at the wide selection of food. Ash snorted and called me a pig or something like that. I wasn't really listening. I gazed at the bar, which was big enough to accommodate 10 bartenders and an endless stream of customers. Reserved tables with name cards littered the center of the ballroom, but most of the attendees were socializing at the various sofas, armchairs, and cabanas scattered throughout the venue. 

Ash tugged at my wrist.

"I know you're hungry," she smirked, "but we're going to have to say some hellos first. Let's quickly grab a drink?" I nodded. The overwhelmingly extravagant event took any words that wanted to escape my lips away. I was speechless.

We swiftly made it to the bar, the crowd parting as Ash arrived. Some fearfully backed away while others tried to make their presence known to her by acting super nice.  Such kiss-ups. They reeked of envy and slight fear. 

"What do you drink?" Ash asked inquisitively. She looked genuinely curious. 

"A glass of Rosé is fine with me. I'd rather not be wasted here..." Ash chuckled. She took my hand in hers and planted a kiss on the back of my hand. I heard whispers erupt from every direction around us.

"How classy, my lady. But do get drunk sometime. That would be entertaining." I chuckled too. 

"Trust me, you wouldn't want to see that..." I thought back to my party days back in college. Oh god. No thank you. At least Grace was always there to take care of me. My chest ached thinking about Grace. I wondered what she was doing. I missed her.

"Oh, but I do." Ash then turned to the bartender, who was patiently waiting for her order despite having other customers to attend to. "Whiskey on the rocks for me and a Rosé for my lady." He nodded and got right to work, producing the drinks in a matter of seconds. He must've been a Speedy with that kind of quickness. Interesting that they service the ballroom events. 

Drinks in hand, we ventured out into the social area. A surprising amount of people greeted Ash and fought for her attention. Was I the only one who saw her as a deadly criminal? I mean, am I the crazy one here or what?

"Ash, baby!" squealed a voice that was all-too excited. I turned to see a tall, blonde woman clinging onto Ash's other arm - since the left one was already wrapped around my waist -  and push her chest up on it. I rolled my eyes as discretely as I could. Ash was completely unaffected by the beautiful woman's obviously flirtatious behavior, but to my surprise, made no moves to shove her off. 

"Eve." Ash's greeting was sharp and concise. Eve was evidently disappointed, I could sense it and see it directly from her facial expression. Her ocean-blue eyes turned to me with disgust and hatred burning within their cerulean depths. 

"Is she your newest pet?" she hissed. I shrunk back a little involuntarily. Ash's arm tightened around me, pulling me closer as reassurance. 

"Indeed she is," purred Ash, "And she's my last. I'm keeping this one." Eve's eyes lit up in pure rage. 

"Hah!" Eve exclaimed. "So you'd dump me for a girl like her? Ash... my poor Ash... something must be wrong with your state of mind. Take me back and I'll treat you like the Queen you are." I gagged a little in my throat. Out of all the people, Eve was definitely trying the hardest to get on Ash's good side. 

Ash scoffed and rudely shook Eve off of her arm. 

"Scram. I don't appreciate the way you're speaking with my girlfriend right here." I winced. Girlfriend? Since when did I agree to this... 

"Girlfriend?" Eve's voice cracked a little. Tears brimmed her eyes, threatening to smear inky mascara stains down her cheeks. "What's so special about her? Why wouldn't you want to be with me instead?" My heart felt like it was being ripped into two. Or at least, that's what Eve was feeling. I was tuned into her emotions and currently riding a tsunami of jealously, anger, despair, and gut-wrenching sadness. I could tell that she really cared for Ash. I could tell she really loved her. 

"You're nothing," Ash said coldly. "Now get out of my sight." Eve looked like she wanted to protest, but she briskly walked away towards the woman's bathroom, probably to cry. I really wanted to say something to her, but couldn't find the words. 

"Sorry about that, Princess," Ash said apologetically. She planted a soft kiss on my forehead that made my heart melt.

"Don't apologize to me," I protested, "You really broke her heart back there." Ash shrugged. I felt sickened. She really didn't care. I sighed and crossed my arms when another thought crossed my mind. "Also, since when are we an item?"

"You're my girlfriend," Ash stated proudly, "It's simple as that."

"No," I started, "I never said that I wanted to be." Ash frowned. She looked confused. She had probably never been rejected before. 

"Well, if you're mine and no one else's, what would that make you?"

"A victim of kidnapping!" Ash looked angry at first, but her frown slowly turned into a smirk. She chuckled.

"You'll come around. This is strange, though. I've never had to wait for someone to want me. But with you, I'm willing. I'll wait forever if I have to." I bit the inside of her lip. Her eyes were staring into mine with a fiery passion that made me weak in the knees. I simultaneously wanted to escape and pull her closer at the same time. Ash leaned in for a kiss. This time, it was gentle and slow. She led me through the experience, gradually deepening the kiss at a leisurely pace. When I opened my eyes after I pulled away, I saw Eve staring at us with a murderous glare directed straight at me. She dragged a finger across her neck while making direct eye contact with me. The message was crystal clear: I'm so dead. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2019 ⏰

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